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Learning Plan - Multiple Batch

Hi Team! New user here. Unfortunately, the staff in our organization that can train me has left so I apologize for all these questions as I learn to navigate Docebo my own.


I'm currently working on creating our ‘Batch 3’ classes for a Learning Plan.

To prep a class:

  • I go to the Learning Plan Page
  • go to courses, select the course, click ‘jump to course’
  • go to the session tab, add a session named ‘Batch 3’
  • go to events tab, create new event, fill out the details, click confirm to save
  • go to admin menu, then start again for the next class (repeat for 19 more times)

This learning plan is deployed 10-15 times per year which is a batch. We have a new hire that will be included in the 3rd batch starting next week. My learning plan has 20 separate topics/class (I set them all as an ILT course). A learner should complete all 20 classes to complete the learning plan, before they can officially work. Each topic/class (ILT course) falls on a specific date and time and they don’t overlap or combined. They are separate unique classes that has its own materials and quizzes for evaluation. 


  1. Am I doing this the right way or completely the wrong way? Is there another way to do this and not repeat the above steps 20x per batch?
  2. Per my understanding, the ‘Session’ terminology in Docebo is equivalent to my ‘Batch’, is this correct?
  3. If 2 is correct, why do i have to create ‘sessions’ every class based on my workflow above? (I named my session the same ‘New Hire Training Batch 3’, properties all the same). 
  4. Inside the learning plan in the ‘enrollments’ tab, if i click ‘enroll users’ and add the new hire, he/she will be enrolled to the learning plan and get enrolled to all the topics/classes within it right?
  5. Inside the learning plan in the ‘courses’ tab, there’s a ‘jump to course’ button in the far right row of the course. This is very helpful. but once in the ILT course, there’s no jump back to the Learning Plan button. I have to click the admin menu, click learning plan, then choose the learning plan i am working with. Am i missing something?

I appreciate your time answering my questions in advance! Thank you!



4 replies

  • Author
  • Novice I
  • 4 replies
  • March 10, 2025

up! thanks

  • Author
  • Novice I
  • 4 replies
  • March 13, 2025


  • Guide I
  • 52 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Hi ​@Aidanvalin,

I'm trying to understand your use case, and I may have it wrong, so apologies for that. 

You have Learning plan (shell) which contains 20 ILT courses (each specific to a topic/class). Each course contains 10-15 sessions, each of which corresponds to a timed hiring batch. So for every topic event that a new hire must study/attend, there is a separate event within that topic-specific session?

Would it be possible to use just one ILT course, create a separate session for each batch, and then create multiple events within each session to correspond to those dates? 

(At this juncture, I will need to defer to folks in this community who use ILT courses more than my organization - we really only have one current use case. This article in the Docebo KB might be useful though -


For your other questions though...

4. Yes. If you enroll a learner into a learning plan, they are enrolled into all of the courses within the plan. However, if there are ILT courses in plan, the learner is enrolled in those courses, but not automatically assigned to any sessions within those courses. They will appear listed on an ILT course Enrollments tab with a small orange triangle to the right of their name, along with a zero, indicating that they need to be assigned to a session. 

5. Learning plans are a separate entity than courses, even though you can place courses within the learning plan shell. I would wager that because courses can be independent of learning plans, or added to multiple/different learning plans, any course settings you need to configure have to be done within the course object, and not the container (learning plan) that it might reside in. 

I hope this helps.

  • Author
  • Novice I
  • 4 replies
  • March 14, 2025

Hello! thank you for taking time to respond.

The ‘New Employee’ Learning Plan consists of 20 classes (set up as ILT Course in Docebo). When a new hire joins the team, he/she should complete all 20 classes before being deployed in production.

You mentioned…

Would it be possible to use just one ILT course, create a separate session for each batch, and then create multiple events within each session to correspond to those dates?’

This is currently what I am doing. Within an ILT Course (e.g. RCM100 class) create a session (I call it ‘BATCH 2’) then within that session, I create an ‘event’ that corresponds to the date and time the actual class happens. I just think it’s a lot for me to do every time as I have to do this 20 times.

I’m wondering if there’s a better way to do this rather than creating 20 similar sessions (aka batches) 10-12 times a year as we receive new hires 10-12 times yearly.


Thanks again!


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