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Since Docebo has an LRS, what do you think about having the LRS as Docebo’s Single Source of Truth? Most LRS statements are analyzed and potentially find patterns. Data from an LRS can be the foundation of future machine learning solutions or custom automation. 


  • Enrollments
    • Actor Enrolled into Course A
    • Actor Enrolled into Learning Plan A
    • Actor Completed Course A
    • Admin Actor Updated Enrollment Object (Enrollment new state will be under the result key of the statement)
  • Learning Object
    • Actor experienced Learning Object A (Context will be the course and the duration is recorded)
    • Actor reviewed Learning Object A (Context will be the course and the duration is recorded)
    • Admin Actor replaced Learning Object A.
      • Optionally, Docebo as an Actor archived User A’s Learning Object progress.
  • Channels
    • Actor experienced Asset A
    • Actor watched Asset B
  • Pages
    • Actor viewed Page A
    • Actor viewed Course A page
    • Actor viewed Learning Plan A page


In the case of a super admin impersonating a user, the admin will still be the Actor and the context will be the user the admin is impersonating as. 


What do you think? 

I don’t have an opinion as I am new to the concept of an LRS and Docebo. Following to see what others have to say. 
