I will be going back and redefining my PowerUser profiles, and I’m trying to identify how many I need and I’m confused with the cross over of Branches and Profiles when it comes to Notifications.
When creating a new notification, I identify the specific Branch that notification applies to (our notifications are branded and specific):

The next step is to identify the ROLE.
DO I NEED TO CREATE A SPECIFIC POWERUSER PROFILE ASSIGNED TO THE BRANCH? Or will it only get sent to the PowerUser in the branch I identified in the step above?
I am assuming (I HATE TO ASSUME) that if I have a Profile called COURSE AUTHOR, and identify the Power User with that Profile, it will only send it to the PowerUser in the Branch identified above, and NOT to ALL COURSE AUTHORS.
Please confirm that this is like a Venn Diagram, it sends it to where all of these specification overlap.

Signed: Paranoid Sending Too Many Notifications