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Hello all,

I am making use of the POST /manage/v1/user/send_mail User API operation with the following request body:

"id_user":xxxxx ,
"subject": "Test",
"message": "Hello\nWorld\n"

The email is send successfully to the user but all formatting (in this case the \n characters) are ignored!  This is what the email looks like: 

Any idea how (or if it is possible) to preserve the formatting?




@GeorgeK did you try to use HTML formatting… “Hello<br>World<br>”?

OMG!  It never crossed my mind.   Thank you so much @alekwo


To Docebo:  Please provide better API docs!

This API endpoint always amuses me for some reason. I always think it does more than it does, then remember and just end up using a mail service instead :)
