Hi all,
I was doing some testing while creating new coupons, and I may have found a way that users could potentially abuse the system?
To my understanding based on the properties applied when creating coupons, you can set them to either be:
- Used multiple times by every user with the code
- Used once by every user with the code
- Used once by any user with the code, but with an upper limit of how many users can redeem it

And discounted
- a % amount
- a $ amount

The issue:
Scenario: I want to provide a single-use coupon to 4 users, to be redeemed on any single paid course they choose.
As such, I set the parameters to :
- Single-use coupon with limited usage - 4 users
- 100% discount (not $ amount, since we have varying prices based on course content)
- 3 month expiration
However, since the coupon is applied at checkout, the user could potentially load up the cart with every paid course we offer, and the one-time coupon will be applied to everything - not just 1 course.

This is a pretty significant potential for lost revenue.
Am I missing something here? Or misinterpreting the wording of the “Coupon Application” section?
If I’m not missing anything, is there a way to close this gap? Like using a “course credit” instead of a % or $ discount?
Any feedback would be welcome!