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For those that tuned in to the 2023 January Release Readiness webinar, you knew these were coming!  If you missed it, don’t worry, you can watch the recording.


But first up!  For anyone that may have missed the links we shared at the end of the session, here they are again! 


Let’s get to your questions!


Q. Any chance there's a plan to export which courses are assigned to which notifications, would that be considered metadata?

  1. It’s currently not included in the update as a way to avoid overcomplicating the feature. We would recommend adding this to the Ideas section of the Community!


Q. Course export data - does it allow you to export the Learning plan mapping?

  1. Yes. If you choose to export the “usage” data for learning plans, you’ll be able to see which courses are used and in which learning plan (LP). In the exported file, you can filter by a single LP and therefore you’ll be able to see which courses are part of the LP you are filtering.


Q. Will the next feature be an ability to update multiple course metadata items at once via a CSV in the future? Example being course descriptions

  1. You are able to import course shells from CSV. Here is a knowledge base article and a community post that will shed more light on how you can do so!


Q. After selecting course where do you go to select the options 

  1. If you select a single course, you currently don’t have the option to export the data for only that single course. The rationale behind it is that if you only have to check a single course you can manually do so by opening the course detail page. 

    But here’s a workaround that may help:
    Select 2 courses > click on the mass action button > select “Export course metadata”. The exported file will contain data of both courses, you can simply delete the one that you don’t need and will have an exported file of the course data that you want to see. If you feel there’s a need to only get a report about a single course, please enter it as an idea in the Ideas section of the Community! 


Q. Will this report identify Content Marketplace courses?

  1. Not at the moment. The rationale behind it is that even though the course may come from the marketplace, you are still able to delete the training material inside it, and the information would no longer be accurate. We could instead add this information for training materials. Go to the Ideas section of the Community and enter it as an idea!


Q. For a given course within Course Management -> Reports, will there be an option to include the details of the reports? Specifically, we had a use case where we needed the ability to download the answers for an assessment. We could see how the user answered each question in Docebo but we could not download the answers they selected. Looking for the ability to show the learner what selections they made.

  1. It is already possible to download the answers that all learners have given, but only for the last attempt they’ve made.  Starting with the February monthly release, we’ll start keeping track of  all the attempts the learners make, and therefore it will be possible to also export answers related to earlier attempts. Remember, this feature is not retroactive: We’ll start tracking the multiple attempts for tests starting with the February monthly release. Earlier attempts data are lost. 


Q. Would we be able to pull groups into this report as well?

  1. No, it is not possible to include groups in this report.The intention of this report is to obtain data about the courses only. To check the Course data for Groups, go to the New Reports> Custom reports and select Courses - Users, Users - Courses etc. report and select the required groups under the filter tab.


Q. Can metadata exports be scheduled to automatically run like regular reports?

  1. No. It’s meant to be useful for admins or power users who want to check to see if their courses are configured well. This should not be an activity that is necessary every day or on a regular schedule. If this is not true for your use case, do enter it as an idea in the Ideas section of the Community!


Q. Can the 500 chars limit be increased to 5000? Our course descriptions are around 3000 char.

  1. Unfortunately, we put a strict limit on character count in the description because fields containing too many chars might cause the failure of the report. It would be interesting to see what the average character range is for descriptions in the industry so we’d encourage you to enter an idea in the Ideas section of the Community for us to get a better understanding of industry averages. 


Q. Is the DLA Dashboard a paid feature?

  1. Yes, Docebo Learning Analytics (DLA) is a paid module in Docebo. If you are already using DLA there will be no additional costs.


Q. So, you build them in Learning Analytics and copy the dashboards to Learn?

  1. For the embedded dashboards, these will need to be created in DLA as Featured Dashboards.  See more about creating and managing dashboards here: This will then be embedded via iFrame into Docebo Learn. For the dashboard to display correctly, the user logging into Docebo Learn must have a common valid email address in DLA (the same email address).

    Only Featured Dashboards in DLA can be embedded on Learn platform in order for the dashboard to be displayed on the Learn platform, a common valid email address must be associated with the user on both the Learn and the Learning Analytics platforms (user levels and permission are not considered. Also make sure user must have access to the Menu/Page where the embedded dashboard was added)


Q. Is it possible to see how many people failed a question in a course using SCORM or Tincan so we can break into the data via Learning Analytics?

  1. No it is not possible, DLA does not provide this level of granularity about the questions.


Q. Can users who don't have access to DLA be allowed to see see dashboards via widget page?

  1. No, this will not be possible, as the featured dashboard is connected to the user logins, which are mapped between Docebo Learn and DLA. It is possible to share specific widgets with users that do not have access to DLA:  Alternatively, you can share the widget via a public share link. A public share link allows external users to view the data included in the widget without giving them access to the platform.  When you share a widget via public link, the link will only be valid for 24 hours. If the recipient of the link has not opened it in this timeframe, the link will expire and you will have to send it again. See: 


Q. Is the Discover, Coach and Answer searchable?

  1. Yes, in the Docebo Search bar at the top of the webpage.


Q. When it comes to course data extraction relating to users - Is there a way to extract both the completion date and days left fields in the same report?

  1. Unfortunately not, this report is focused on course metadata. Any enrollment information will not be included. 


Q. Is there a similar metadata report coming for the content repository?

  1. We do not have this in the first version of the porting.


Q. When should I expect to see changes in my shopping cart / waitlist experience?

  1. We have improved the waitlist wherein learners will no longer be added to a course’s waiting list while transactions are pending but instead will be enrolled in the course only if the e-commerce transaction is successful (i.e: the payment went through correctly). Until the transaction is completed, the user will be able to retry the payment at their will without the need to contact an admin.


Q. Is estimated time the same as the duration field?

  1. That is correct, they are the same as seen in the screenshots below.


Q. Is there data captured about the number of times a user took a test, native or scorm test?

  1. The data captured is only for native tests, not for Scorm tests for now. The number of attempts done by a learner can be inferred by filtering the attempts data (in the Training Material Statistics tab of a Course) by a specific user, and the number of rows you see. 


Q. Is there the ability to schedule the course metadata report? Or run manually via the UI?

  1. At the moment this cannot be schedule. You can run it manually in Course Management > select more than 1 course > Select “Export Course Data” in the mass action button


Q. I have a VILT course that has a learning plan associated to it. When people register for a session in the course, it doesn't automatically assign them to the learning plan. Is there a way to make them automatically enroll in the learning plan that is in the course?

  1. Course enrollments do not lead to LP enrollments, and this allows for flexibility in assigning courses. After all, some courses may appear in multiple LPs.

    A workaround would be to create a group that automatically captures users who enroll in a given course. You can then create an enrollment rule for that course that enrolls users entering the group into the Learning Plan they need to be enrolled into. Also if this is a need that you’d like us to further explore, do submit it in the Ideas section of the Community!


Q. Are we able to add which groups and notifications are connected to each course when downloading course data?

  1. Unfortunately not, but do enter this as an idea in the Ideas section of the Community!


Q. In DLA: Can you add filters to isolate groups, learning plans, courses, etc. vs. the entire platform?

  1. Yes, DLA provides filtering at the dashboards and widget level. The available options are Branches, Groups, User Additional Fields, Courses, Categories, Catalogs, or Learning Plan. You can also apply the Time Frame or the User Status filters to the results by using the time corresponding dropdowns next to the Add Filters button. To learn more go to Managing widgets and filters on Docebo Learning Analytics Knowledge Base.  


Q. Is there any plan to allow mass update to course fields either by csv or a different method? it’s great to see where the holes in our data are in one big view, but then having to go back and fix them all one by one can be time consuming and is frustrating

  1. We do not have this functionality yet.


Q. As follow up, does it store the scores for each test taken?

  1. Yes! But you’re going to see this in the February release. Unfortunately all previous data cannot be retrieved.



That’s all the questions. Thanks to everyone who attended this session and asked a question. 


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