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I know I have seen the report export limitation on rows before, but I cannot find it now.  Does anyone know what the row limit is and where I can find that documentation?  The limit of 175k rows sticks in my head for some reason.  Hoping @Bfarkas or @lrnlab may know this .  Thanks!

cant say for sure but am pretty sure I've exported more than before. Do you have enough data to test this?

@lrnlab That’s what I am questioning.  I am comparing Power BI data to Excel pivot tables because the numbers aren’t adding up to known user population counts.  The one report ends at 175476 rows and the unique user count on that data is less than half of the total active user population, which should be much higher based on courses that have been assigned out.  So my assumption is that I have incomplete data in the export, and looking to confirm the system limitations to determine this.  

Just tested a simple export from the user Mgmt screen and am able to export over 500,000 users...takes a while (about 15 seconds)...could it be that your connection timed out?

@lrnlab I am referring to the New Reports, when exporting the report as an excel.  We are looking at % of target population (Total comes from user mgmt export as you mentioned) that is enrolled in course (which comes from New Reports custom report engine export), and where we expect it to be 100% (Using unique value counts) because of known course assignments, its only reflecting 30%.  That’s where I am questioning if I am getting 100% of the data or if I am only getting a portion because of reporting limitations in the number of rows the reporting engine will allow in the export.

not sure I follow you but you probably want to ask support.

We hit the max row in excel today. So it broke the automation app export because the file is too large. Unfortunately I can’t multi select categories, so I’m going to need to see if I can do table joins by date instead. 

Today I learned excel’s limit is 1,048,576 rows 🙂 Oops. 

@Jtischler not sure it’s software limitation issue you are describing...if you expect to see a certain # of records that are clearly less 1,000,000 rows, you should see all your data...when you say you think it’s only 30% of the data, are you able to find someone who should be in the report but isn't? That might be a good place to start to determine whether it’s a system issue or perhaps a report setting issue, or other.
