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Searching for Branches When Adding/Moving Users to Them?

Contributor II

I know this used to be possible, as seen in the GIFs in this knowledge article:

Now, though, there is no way to search for Branches when adding a user to them (after user creation) that I can find.

Has this feature been removed or is there a better way to find branches to add users into them? I have over 10,000 branchesso clicking through the pages is not an option.

9 replies

Hero III

Hi @rogergreenlee 

That is interesting, I checked my platform and I see a search field (see screen shot below).  I hope this didn’t change, as we need the ability to search branches as well!


Contributor II
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  • Contributor II
  • 16 replies
  • May 11, 2021

Thanks Annarose! Do you know how many total branches you have? I’m wondering if mine is disabled due to number of branches.


Hero III

Oh, I wonder if that is what the issue is?  We are sitting at about 350 branches.  

Adam Ballhaussen
Guide III

Hey @rogergreenlee! The screenshot @Annarose.Peterson shared shows the best practice to search for a branch when adding a user after user creation. Could you please share a screenshot of what you’re seeing in your Docebo instance when you try to add a user to a branch?



Contributor II
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  • Contributor II
  • 16 replies
  • May 11, 2021

@Adam Ballhaussen Thanks, sure thing, I see this (each of those Partners folders contains around 1000-2000 branches):


Adam Ballhaussen
Guide III

@rogergreenlee you should be able to search for branches when adding/moving users by selecting the little ▶️ arrow to the right of NWEA (the root branch).


It’s interesting, I didn’t realize there were multiple states for this search. I feel like you may be onto something with the number of branches. I have asked our teams internally and will update this post if I’m able to dig up a more detailed answer! Until then, I hope this helps you more easily find the branches you’re looking for when adding/moving users!



P.S. – that is an IMPRESSIVE number of branches, my friend! 🙂 I love to see that level of organization!

  • Novice II
  • 7 replies
  • August 5, 2021

@Annarose.Peterson Hi.  You mentioned that you have over 350 branches.  How are you updating those branches?  We want to use APIs to manage the branches.  Are you updating branches manually or via API? 

Would you mind sharing a list of pros and cons about using a higher number of branches?  We are considering just as many, if not more, branches but have been warned by Docebo help pages about an unspecified performance impact.  Is there a performance hit that you have seen?  If so, can you describe it?  

  • Novice II
  • 7 replies
  • August 5, 2021

@rogergreenlee Hi.  I agree w/ Adam.  That’s an impressive amount of branches.  Based on your comments, it sounds as if you are manually managing the partner branches.  Are you doing the same for the internal or are you using APIs?

If you don’t mind, I have the same questions for you that I had for Annarose.  

Would you mind sharing a list of pros and cons about using a higher number of branches?  We are considering just as many, if not more, branches but have been warned by Docebo help pages about an unspecified performance impact.  Is there a performance hit that you have seen?  If so, can you describe it?   

One more that I didn’t ask Annarose.  I’ll assume that you have global users.  Are users seeing this impact and is it worse for those outside of the Americas? 

Hero III

Hi @gkarofa1 


 As far as performance goes, we haven’t seen any issues or impacts due to the number of branches yet.  We do have some users outside of the Americas, and they have not reported any issues related to the performance of the platform either. 

I really don’t have any cons to having the number of branches we do have.  I think the most important thing is to really consider what your branch structure is going to look based on the type of learner experience your different users will have.  We spent a lot of time mapping out different ways that we might want to set up our branches and based on all our possible use cases we ended up with a branch structure that works very well for us.

In terms of management, our branches don’t change that often, so it has been something we have been able to manually manage.  The thing that can change a lot are the branches that users belong to, which only happens when our internal users change departments.

To manage users changing departments, thus changing the branch they belong to, we use the Automation App.  Then we created the following rule “IF The Admin has uploaded a file in an FTP folder, THEN Import users via CSV”.  Our HRIS system has a scheduled report that puts a CSV formatted for the Docebo User Import into the specified FTP folder.  Once this job is completed, the users are updated to the branch that they belong to.  This has been successful for us from the managing of users in branches aspect.   

I know that there is a rule in the Automation App that lets you do CSV import to import branches, but we have not used that rule. It is worth playing with to see if it can help you with branch creation and moving branches around.  This article was helpful for us when we were using the Automation App to create the rules:

Sorry if this was long, but I hope this helps!  If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message.

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