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eCommerce/Notification Workaround

Hello All,

For the first year plus with Docebo, upon a customer purchasing a Course or Learning Plan we were generating random passwords that were included in the Activation Notification via the [password] shortcode. The student used that password for their first login, and was forced to reset it when they logged in for the first time. I guess Docebo decided for us that sending their password via email was not secure because now the [password] shortcode sends a “Reset Your Password” link in the Activation Notification. (Why that shortcode is still available in the Notifications is a separate question for another time!)

We’ve had quite a few students that get confused by this setup and ultimately make a phone call to us, which means we end up walking them through the password reset process. This obviously isn’t a great result of Docebo’s decision making process, which usually doesn’t consider the possible ramifications to its customers.

I’m curious what other Docebo customers are doing to address/prevent this issue, which I think is more common to those selling training since more of their students are new to the system.

We appreciate any ideas and thoughts, thanks!

5 replies

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4791 replies
  • August 3, 2021

HI @yahrdmeh have you thought about updating your notifications and/or labels to include instructions for your users?

  • Author
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  • 4 replies
  • August 3, 2021

@lrnlab Yes, we tried that approach, but patch update put out by Docebo caused all of our users to be redirected to a particular Extended Enterprise’s “Reset Password” URL, which is unacceptable as it is branded to a specific customer.

So we are trying to find the best way to make this as simple as possible for the student, involving the fewest clicks, redirects, and detailed instructions to follow. We had no issue with the [password] shortcode being in place, but Docebo decided for us that their existing setup wasn’t good enough.


Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 891 replies
  • November 18, 2021

I just signed up for the Docebo University yesterday and I must admit that I found the process a bit awkward. I believe that process matches what you’re describing.

I was presented with the Reset Password email and my first reaction was that I had clicked on something I shouldn’t have because, at this point, I had not forgotten it but I simply did not have a password to reset.

I ended up retracing my steps to verify that I didn’t make a mistake and eventually pressed on with resetting as a means of creating.

I agree - It was not intuitive and could be fine-tuned.

  • Contributor III
  • 25 replies
  • February 13, 2024

hi @yahrdmeh 

while researching a different problem, i came upon your thread and have a solution we use for ecommerce and the user/password situation.  you enable the “force users to change their password at their first login” feature.


here’s how that works for us.

  • ecommerce customer completes checkout (Shopify store)
  • Shopify “Mechanic” integration communicates with Docebo via API and creates the user account.
  • account is setup with a temporary password (the same for everyone) and the account is also setup that when the user logs in they must set a new password of their choosing.
  • the account has the setting enabled that forces the users to change their password at their first login
  • in the welcome / activation email, we communicate this login and password setup process


hopefully you figured it out in the past 2 years, but if not, give this a try!


ps - i was researching a different problem we are trying to solve (setting a temporary password when we create a user in Salesforce and then letting the customers make a new password - without Salesforce integration later overriding the new password)

  • Author
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  • 4 replies
  • February 13, 2024

Thanks, but I got rid of Docebo years ago and moved to Adobe Learning Manager. While ALM isn’t perfect, their price point, Customer Support, and API are far superior to Docebo’s capabilities.


Good luck to all sticking with Docebo, just know that it’ll be a rough ride.


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