@Salvo this is too cool. Thank you for sharing this tip! I’ll be sure to share with our CX team internally so they’re aware of this post. I’m sure some of them may follow up here with questions. I see this being very useful for anyone with an internal use case looking to easily administer performance reviews.
I love how this looks and it is so simple to follow. Great job!
Hi Salvo,
I’m really interested to understand how you’ve achieved this?
Love this. Is there any way you could give me a run down of how you did this?
Hi @Salvo, I would love to connect with you as I’ve built a similar page for our annual review process and it would be great to compare setup and share knowledge!
Hi @Salvo, I would love to connect with you as I’ve built a similar page for our annual review process and it would be great to compare setup and share knowledge!
Sure let me know when you want catch up
Hi @Salvo,
Just came across this and very impressed.
How has this worked in practice? Can the User then see past submissions they have uploaded too?
This just might be something that we’ve been looking for! 
I’d love to know how you manage this. Can you share more?
@Salvo Hi there, hope you are well. Would be great to link up with you and understand how you set this up function wise. Urgently need to implement very similar PDR structure.
@Salvo or others in this thread, I'd love to hear more on this as well. Anyone willing to share with me how this has been implemented in your platforms?
This looks like Assignments? Is that what you used?