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Moving learners between menus

  • November 11, 2021
  • 7 replies

Neil Patterson
Guide I

Hi all,

We have an onboarding ‘menu’ that lands learners onto a new starter page with relevant content and widgets.  They stay on this menu for their 3 month probation and then move to the standard menu for their area of work.  At the moment, we have to do this manually.

We have a custom field set up which is new starter = yes/no.  This then puts the user into a new starter group with the onboarding menu assigned to that group.  We then have to change the custom field to NO so that they are removed from the new starter group and then drop onto their appropriate menu for their role.

Does anyone know if this can be automated so that they are removed from a group after a specific time period?

Thanks :sunglasses:

7 replies

Guide II
  • Guide II
  • 232 replies
  • November 11, 2021

I don’t think groups has time based automation rules yet, but it’s something we’ve asked for.

Maybe try and go about it a different way, such as when they complete something it places them into the new group. 

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4791 replies
  • November 12, 2021

@Neil Patterson as far as I know the only way to change user attributes in bulk is by using the CSV import option (you can use it to change a single field if you want) or if you build a connection to your source, like an HR system, CRM, etc.

Neil Patterson
Guide I
lrnlab wrote:

@Neil Patterson as far as I know the only way to change user attributes in bulk is by using the CSV import option (you can use it to change a single field if you want) or if you build a connection to your source, like an HR system, CRM, etc.

Thanks @lrnlab - this is how we do it at the moment.  Just wondered if there was an automatic way of doing it.

Will look into them perhaps completing a checklist that then triggers a move of group as @JZenker suggests :)

Novice III
  • Novice III
  • 22 replies
  • November 15, 2021

Hello! We implemented something like this in our system. I’ll do my best to explain it.

We have a “New Hire Clothing” Group and they’re assigned there by rules from an additional field of Department = clothing and Hire Date = After 7/20/21. This group has a menu that lands them on an Onboarding Hub page we’ve created that has the onboarding courses we want them to take. The Onboarding group is low on the menu order, right above our default menu.

Then we have a normal Clothing group that has rules of Hire Date = After 7/20/21, Department = Clothing, and enrollment status on those onboarding courses = complete. Once these conditions are satisfied, then they’re automatically moved to this group and put into a new menu that this group is assigned to. Since this menu is higher on the list, they’ll never see or have access to the onboarding hub. 

Did that make sense? I can post images of our menu and group rules if that would help! It’s like a graduated access kind of thing. We want them to take the onboarding courses before they get into product training and all that. 

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • November 16, 2021

One of the things that may make your groups feel sticky is that it is much easier to get people into groups and not necessarily out of them.

I have a secondary anchor (like many of you are talking through) that helps to say if the person is within X days of being with the organization and we flag them as a new employee. It starts as a flag of Yes for thirty days and becomes a No afterwards.

The rest is then covered by what is described above by various others:

  1. using an anchor of a start date for when the logic began in your platform.
  2. using a completion criteria of a course to trigger the next group

The good news the use of the flag and one other (an “active user” flag)? Does seem to remove them nicely from that initial grouping.

Influencer III
  • Influencer III
  • 62 replies
  • February 17, 2022

Does anyone know if these suggestions work with Extended Enterprise? We’re always up against the innovation barrier that is Ext. Ent.

I would want to apply some awesome conditional menus like those in this thread to one of my two domains, but not the other.

  • Docebian
  • 276 replies
  • July 8, 2022

There’s a lot of great advice in this thread but I wanted to mention that there’s a guide for setting of some of these suggestions that might be helpful: 




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