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Windowed Annual Learning - The dating and naming game

Hero III

Folks, I have probably over thought this, but there are these times that are important to work out when you are working with annualized set windowed periods of learning.

It goes a little like this for anyone who may not be following:

  • a grace period - a period of time after a due date
  • a due date - typically a hard deadline with annualized training
  • the annual learning campaign window - a period of time that a person can complete the learning and not be put on a naughty list
  • go live date - a date where you map people to their enrollments and messages go out to tell people to go take their learning.

Those are the typical ones….but there are other nuances as well. Lets think surrounding the content. 

  • a drop-dead date - a date where you tell your SMEs to get your content to you no later by so you can honor the window
  • testing and QA dates - both important in the development cycle
  • a publishing date - when the content is republished for the annual learning campaign window (sometimes this is considered to be the version or may not be :grin: )
  • a re-up date - Typically early in the calendar year. A date when you change the course shell to reflect the new year, but it is outside of the annual learning campaign window (this one is a bit more controversal, but it assists with learners not understanding why they are doing last years training

And then there are even more dates to support your approach and some of the windowed times during your calendar for your organization.

  • a roll forward date - by a person completing the course with the re-up date on it, it may act as an equivalent for the annual learning campaign window

Then there are the notification dates, but overall you all would get that….mapped notification, first nudge, second nudge, why havent you logged in nudge, “defcon 5 - 1 nudge”, etc.

 Are there other dates that you all work out with your learning that I am not thinking about?
I know that this doesnt really apply to roaming certifications - they may seem like they are more straight forward - cough - they are not. 

I put this out there as I am figuring out some governance documentation, but I am curious if I may have missed a concept that I really wanted to apply.

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