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New Zoom V3 Integration - Guidance Please!

I saw that we will be migrating from Zoom V2 to V3. 

Wondering if anyone out there has had experience moving from V1 to V2?

We started off with V2 so this will be my first time doing this migration and would love to hear from folks who have previously done this. Anything particular to look out for?  Was it difficult? Did it cause a lot of your end users and admins disruptions?  How long did it take to fully complete the transition?

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks all!

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Hero III
  • Hero III
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  • May 11, 2023

There's no transition needed...just set-up v3 like you did with v2 (steps are a little different). You can have both version in play at one time if you like; or while you test v3.

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  • May 11, 2023

Hi @lrnlab ! Thank you for the response :)  Feeling relieved to see that!   Do you know what happens to the old ILT events that used V2?    Once we set up V3 and let’s say we delete all of the V2 to keep things neat,  will the old ILT events using V2 just show empty fields in the conference tool section?    (I know I can test this too but thought I’d ask anyway!)   

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4780 replies
  • May 11, 2023

@oliviachow not sure, haven't got that far yet...I would suggest you setup a test case with test zoom account if you can...pretty sure you can just deactivate the app but you’ll need to make sure there are no future dated sessions before you do that...or switch them to v3 before you deactivate the v2 app.

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  • May 11, 2023

@lrnlab  thank you!

oliviachow wrote:

I saw that we will be migrating from Zoom V2 to V3. 

Wondering if anyone out there has had experience moving from V1 to V2?

We started off with V2 so this will be my first time doing this migration and would love to hear from folks who have previously done this. Anything particular to look out for?  Was it difficult? Did it cause a lot of your end users and admins disruptions?  How long did it take to fully complete the transition?

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks all!

Hi Olivia, we have more detailed information about Docebo VILT for Zoom V3 in this Knowledge Base article: Docebo VILT for Zoom V3 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

  • Author
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  • June 6, 2023

@raisa.holmo Hi Raisa! 
With Zoom v3 pairing of Hosts, what happens to the Instructor fields within an ILT? Session and Event instructors?? 
Today, people enter users as instructors and whoever is named there inherits hosts capabilities. 
What is Docebo’s direction to clients in regard to those fields , now that Zoom v3 requires you to pair hosts?

Hi @oliviachow the host in Zoom v3 is an additional role that serves the purpose of creating and opening the event only.


This gives the following advantages:

  • the owner of the meeting is the host assigned to the vILT, so all the functionalities associated with this role (eg. breakout rooms, polls...) can be controlled directly. This was not possible with the V2 since the paired account was a “service account” and so an instructor in a vILT wasn’t able to have access to those capabilities if wasn’t matching the account paired in the integration
  • the meeting is literally created on behalf of the host and available on the Zoom host events
  • the host must be a Zoom user first. Users without a Zoom license are not compliant with Zoom policies or this integration


We are discussing on adding those possibilities to the integration:

  • add the alternative host functionality, where you can set more than 1 host per vILT event, in case the main one won’t be able to open it
  • automatize the fact that an host or alternative host will become an event instructor, if not present before at the event or session level. This will allow the host to access the course


If you have any idea or use case to propose, please feel free to use our ideas portal.

We are eager to improve this integration with real use cases.

  • Author
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  • June 28, 2023

@davide.pucillo thanks for the response.  Interestingly our current experience on Zoom v2… we have ‘service accounts’ (not personal zoom accounts) integrated with Docebo and the assigned hosts in the ILTs session/event instructor fields do inherit host capabilities of the meeting including the abilities to assign co-hosts/break out rooms/ polls/etc.  upon launching the meeting (they join the meeting as the service account).

So with the new pairing of Zoom Hosts in v3, I am curious to know what are the expected behaviours of the various instructor scenarios that can happen:

Example, in an ILT...

Session host (who is not a v3 paired host) launches meeting first, do they inherit host capabilities ?

Event host (who is not a paired host) launches meeting first, do they inherit host capabilities ?

Can Docebo outline how we should be using the session/event instructor fields in relation to zoom v3 pairing of hosts? 

Hi @oliviachow, in Zoom V2 you can access to host functionalities, only if you login in Zoom with the same service account registered in Docebo.


In Zoom V3 the host can be anyone in the Zoom account and it is only the one assigned in the event.

This is in line with Zoom policies, since the host must be a licensed user in Zoom.

The advantage is that you pair the Zoom account once and you can recall any of the user within Zoom, without creating from scratch several accounts in Docebo.


In your case, if the service account is under a Zoom account paired in Docebo, you can still assign it to an event. The host, can then login the event and open the Zoom webinar if is logged in Zoom with that account.

Session or event instructors, at the moment have no particular functionality.

They can open the event only if they are logged with the Zoom host account associated in the vILT event.


Some questions to understand better your use case:

  • any session or event host has an access to that Zoom service account associated with the vILT event?
  • any session or event host is a licensed Zoom user?
  • who usually open a Zoom event from Docebo?
  • Do you have other roles that need to open the event as host (eg. panelist, tutor...)?


Thanks a lot for any feedback!

Novice II

Hello @oliviachow 

Since we are facing the same issue - at least of what I read in your conversation - I created an idea which will probably solve both of our problems. So let’s hope that there are others that face the same issue as well.


  • Author
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  • July 5, 2023

Hi @juergen.hanke !  

I tested with a ILT course using a v3 zoom account, paired a Bob as zoom host, named Jane as a session host (who is NOT paired as a host or as a zoom account)  and Jane entered the meeting as Bob  with host capabilities.  Did you encounter this behaviour?


I also had issues with trying to pair more than 1 zoom v3 account. The minute I paired the 2nd one, it would automatically unpair my first account. 

And none of the ILT meetings that are using the v3 zoom account are appearing in the zoom account’s desktop app OR in web when logged in as the account. 

I’ve reported both to Docebo support. Have you encountered any issues?


Novice II

Hi @oliviachow 

That’s odd. I also tried to add anyone else as event host, but it gave back an error as soon as I used someone without a paired Zoom account. It only worked when I used the Zoom account I paired. But all of the meetings I created were reflected on our Zoom account.

I think it’s not possible to pair more than 1 Zoom account, but you can pair several Zoom hosts that are connected to the account. The only thing is that you need to pair an account that has admin rights, so that the integration can detect the Zoom hosts and licences.

I stopped using V3 when I realized that you cannot assign any session or event hosts without a paired Zoom account. This is an essential function for us, since we only have 2 Zoom licences and use these 2 for different trainings. Each training can have a different event host, so it’s important for us to be able to assign them as such (as co-hosts). Through that they can open the meeting themselves.

I really hope they can solve all of these issues.

  • Author
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  • July 10, 2023

@juergen.hanke  super odd indeed that we are encountering different behaviour. 
I tested again to provide Docebo a recording and my session instructor who is not paired as a zoom v3 account or as a v3 paired host and was indeed able to launch and join the meeting showing up as the paired host with access to host privileges (so similar to how its working for me today in v2). Docebo did say this is expected behaviour in my ticket. So technically from what I am experiencing, all instructors don’t need to paired hosts in v3 in order to get that access.
And I found that our meetings were not showing up in the paired accounts zoom, but rather actually showing up in the paired host’s zoom account - also find that strange as I don’t understand the purpose of the paired account then since nothing is going there.

Jessica Tart
Helper II
davide.pucillo wrote:

Hi @oliviachow the host in Zoom v3 is an additional role that serves the purpose of creating and opening the event only.


This gives the following advantages:

  • the owner of the meeting is the host assigned to the vILT, so all the functionalities associated with this role (eg. breakout rooms, polls...) can be controlled directly. This was not possible with the V2 since the paired account was a “service account” and so an instructor in a vILT wasn’t able to have access to those capabilities if wasn’t matching the account paired in the integration
  • the meeting is literally created on behalf of the host and available on the Zoom host events
  • the host must be a Zoom user first. Users without a Zoom license are not compliant with Zoom policies or this integration


We are discussing on adding those possibilities to the integration:

  • add the alternative host functionality, where you can set more than 1 host per vILT event, in case the main one won’t be able to open it
  • automatize the fact that an host or alternative host will become an event instructor, if not present before at the event or session level. This will allow the host to access the course


If you have any idea or use case to propose, please feel free to use our ideas portal.

We are eager to improve this integration with real use cases.

Do you have to assign a host to a Zoom meeting? Currently, we use the “claim host” functionality when the instructor joins (if we’re not able to assign the host in advance). 

Since the host has to have a Zoom account, how does this integration work with external vendors? 

Helper I
  • Helper I
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  • July 26, 2023

I’ve been unsuccessful in setup of Zoom v3 but did have V2 and V1 working previously since 2020.

I think my problem is that I have a zoom enterprise account but I am not the “admin” and it seems not provided enough permissions to allow the plugin to pair. 

Previously I contacted the Zoom admin in the Department I work for and they did something to authorise the pairing, but the new Zoom admin does not see or know what they need to do to authorise my valid zoom account to allow the pairing.

I have made created a new app, had it authorised, added it as such into my zoom profile. When I pair I have the following error message which has us both stumped.

What do I tell the Zoom IT admin in my parent account to do to find and locate a way for me to be authorised, as I’m told it can be done and had been done previously twice with the older plugins. Any advice appreciated.

I suspect the previous zoom admin must have jumped into my account on Zoom, updated my permissions, said try it now, then changed me back to a user or something like that.


Helper II
  • Helper II
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  • August 9, 2023

@jckemv I’m experiencing the same issue. I’m working with my IT and Zoom IT to get a resolution on this. I’ll post an update when I know something.

  • 69 replies
  • August 9, 2023

Evening @jckemv and @TrishAH, if your issue is with pairing /authorisation of Docebo within Zoom. You do not need an app, you need

  1. an admin on Zoom to log into Docebo as a super admin using the exact same email address as the Zoom admin.
  2. the same admin email to log into Zoom admin

It got me for a bit then I remembered that we’d a “Zoom admin” Docebo Super Admin Account. So if you have the same email for an admin user on both Zoom and Docebo, you then log into Zoom as the admin and log into Docebo using the same email (super admin level) to pair both accounts.

The note on pairing states that for pairing “Users that are assigned as hosts must exist in both Docebo and Zoom with identical names and email addresses. For more information please see the section on Zoom Hosts tab.”

Hope this helps

Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 125 replies
  • August 9, 2023

Hi all, thanks for the feedback on my post and suggestions, it is appreciated.

I’m aware you do not need the app anymore which is good.

I’m also aware of the need to use the same email address exactly on Zoom account as LMS Super Admin for pairing.

What I may not have articulated clearly is I am super admin on LMS, and I have a licenced zoom account (but not with admin permissions). I previously had the zoom v1 and zoom v2 accounts being able to pair with the Enterprise licenced zoom account with Docebo, but with zoom v3 it will not listing a range of permissions to operate correctly. I’m also told by Docebo CRM that a role configured in Zoom to work with the Zoom plugin will not work also, must have the admin level account :-( 

This is because not all of us are also the Zoom account owners (and I wasn’t before when it WAS working with V1 and V2, but the plugins were paired successfully by my Zoom admin for me) so we have a change in requirements. ALSO, we didn’t need to have every potential ILT host needing to be an account holder on the Zoom account either - this is a massive change and so unworkable for me as I cannot make that work with the account I use in Gov, and the number of different and changing ILT hosts.

There are way to many assumptions made without clearly stating in the Docebo plugin info NOW that there is a change in how the V3 Zoom plugin will pair and the requirements are quite different. In my investigations with our CRM and Zoom Enterprise account rep and their Zoom rep, some of this has been possibly trigged by tighter security within Zoom and how it works across APIs.

I’m frustrated as it does not seem possible anymore for me to use Zoom and the LMS together in the way it was being used which was excellent and very flexible. Sadly the expectation that my super admin account would also be the owner / admin permissions of a licenced zoom account I’m using is not realistic for big organisations in Gov. working across multiple departments. 

  • 69 replies
  • August 10, 2023

@jckemv Apologies for adding to your levels of frustration!

You are right, the change was not communicated clearly enough about the new requirements. We are very fortunate that we had it set up to allow us to pair but it could have so easily been as you describe and when we and our clients start to make more use of ILT we know that we’ll run into the same issues with ILT hosts. 

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 102 replies
  • August 14, 2023

@AngeWi The solution for me turn out that our Zoom account admin had to create a role with increased permissions and apply that role to all my instructors. This resolved the issue and everything is working the way it does for V2.

@davide.pucillo  - we are trying to pair ZoomV3 and encountering an error with pairing

  1. The SuperAdmin in Docebo is also the Account Owner in Zoom
  2. When we go to pair in Docebo - We get a “You Cannot Authorize”
  3. When we click on the Edit on Web Portal we get an access error (even though zoom account owner).

Do we need to create a different role in Zoom to complete this pairing? Assumed an account owner would have all the permissions necessary?

Any help would be appreciated

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 102 replies
  • November 29, 2023

@Katherine Ivey Hi Katherine, it’s been quite a difficult journey but we’ve finally got it working—so far so good. Here are the key points for the V3 Account type.

1-We had our IT-Zoom manager set up a Docebo-Zoom account in our licensed corporate Zoom that has a specific Role with all the required permissions to allow the account management. The requirements are very broad and our IT wasn’t happy about it, but that account is locked down so it’s fine. 

There can only be one V3 account and everyone must added as a Host under that one. This is different from the V2, where every ILT instructor used their own (licensed) account.

Also, since the latest updates to Docebo, it is possible for people to have a V2 account and be added as a V3 Host. Previously, there was a conflict. This is important because schedule ILTs with Zoom V2 can continue—at least until the December 20th(?) cut-off.

2-All of the people who will host ILTs were added as Hosts under the Docebo-Zoom. There had been issues if the person’s username or capitalization of the the username differed between their username on Docebo and their licensed Zoom account, but that has since been fixed as well.

3-It has been advised that new ILT sessions be created to add the new Zoom tool into, rather than simply duplicate an existing session or modify an existing session. This is because the V3 account wasn’t showing up in older sessions. We created a new session for each—not a huge issue and it can be done via *csv or API if you don’t want to do it manually.

4-When choosing the the tool inside the session event it will look like this now.

You may have other choices available to you, but according to Docebo, the “Zoom Meeting “ corresponds to the V3 account.

If there’s anything else I  can think of, I’ll add it here.

Best of Luck!

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4780 replies
  • November 29, 2023

thanks for posting this @TrishAH 

  • Contributor III
  • 19 replies
  • January 16, 2024

This is January 2024. I have been trying to pair the Zoom 3 and have been unsuccessful. 

I managed to add the app from Docebo for Zoom. This is finally added. Then I started pairing and it always times out gateaway. 

I am using an incognito window and logged in both Docebo as super admin and Zoom as the admin with the correct role. 

From either way, it gave me 504 Gateway Time-out. I cannot pair it whatsoever. 

I need some help desperately. @TrishAH Please save me if you have any insight. 


Thanks everyone. 


Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4780 replies
  • January 18, 2024

@Gracie WADA  same here...just tried it today...Will be logging a ticket and will update here...

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