I am trying to update an additional field to multiple users in batches. If I have 100 users_ids in the the array, I want to update the additional field value for each user.
"user_ids": [
100 user_ids
"additional_fields": {
"24": "15"
I want to insert different additional field for each user. From the above request body, it will update “15” for all the 100 users, but i want to update the”24” to “100” for user_id 1234 and “200” for user_id 5678 and so on.
I know we have the /manage/v1/user/1234 endpoint to update additional fields for each user. But, I want to do this in batches of users with different additional fields. The reason to do this is to not reach the 1000 API calls per hour limit.