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Admin & Other

A Guide to Docebo Acronyms (DA)


As you transition from an SDM to your AM, with a CSC on hand, you’ll have a new POC for your NPS.” :question::thought_balloon::thinking:

If you understand what that sentence means, you’re either an employee or an experienced, savvy customer. 

(Don’t worry, I’m fluent in Docebian. Translation: When your Account Manager helps you transition from a Solution Deployment Manager to a Customer Experience Manager, you’ll have a new point of contact for your Net Promoter Score.)

Here at Docebo, we regularly abbreviate technical terms, processes, and personnel. It saves time pronouncing complicated nomenclature and titles, but if you’re not sure what those letters stand for, it can feel mystifying -- like a secret code you can’t quite decipher. :flashlight:

So FWIW (for the uninitiated, that’s “for what it’s worth”), here’s a key to some commonly used acronyms, shorthand, and Docebo-speak. Like language itself, this glossary will evolve, so feel free to add any lingo you’ve encountered in the Doce-verse that needs explanation. 👇


Learning and SaaS Industry Terms


Artificial Intelligence.



Application Programming Interface. APIs define the requests made between independent software applications, including how to process these calls, which data formats should be used, what conventions to follow, etc. There are a number of APIs available for Docebo Learn to interface with applications managed by other companies, such as Salesforce. We have standard APIs (out-of-the-box), as well as custom APIs our clients create



Call to Action.


Customer Experience.



Domain Keys Identified Mail. Intensified email security protocols that can be implemented in addition to SPF. 


Data Processing Agreement. 



Executive Business Review.


General Data Protection Agreement. 



General Data Protection Regulation. Regulation on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area.


Key Performance Indicator.


Depending on context, can stand for either Languages or Local Area Network.


Learning Tools Inoperability. 



Mutual Action Plan.


Non-Disclosure Agreement.


Point of Contact. 



Quarterly Business Review. 



Root Cause Analysis. 


Remote Desktop Services. Docebo uses RDS infrastructure to manage client installations in the cloud. 



Return on Investment. 


Software as a Service.


Security Assertion Markup Language. Pronounced sam-el, an open standard for sending authentication information from two parties, and a common Single Sign-On configuration.



Sharable Content Object Reference Model. A popular format for delivering e-learning content.  


Sender Policy Framework. Intensified email security protocols that can be implemented in addition to DKIM. 


Single Sign-On. 


Unique User Identity. 



Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 



The Experience API (or xAPI) is a new specification for learning technology that makes it possible to collect data about the wide range of experiences a person has (online and offline). This API captures data in a consistent format about a person or group’s activities from many technologies. Very different systems are able to securely communicate by capturing and sharing this stream of activities using xAPI’s simple vocabulary.

Docebo Language


Ask Me Anything -- meetings structured with an open Q&A. 


Bug Task. These Help Desk requests are reviewed to confirm that they are Docebo Defects (DD), and then slated for repair by Product Development. 


Central Learning Object Repository, or Central Repository for short. The library of learning objects (discrete SCORM, xAPI, files, videos, surveys, observation checklists, etc.) that allows for management of training materials across the platform from a single, centralized hub. 


Discover, Coach & Share. Docebo’s informal learning solution, a premium feature designed to create personalized, AI-curated growth paths (Discover) and expert-moderated channels to capture social learning in the flow of work (Coach & Share).  


Docebo Defect. 



Docebo Learning Impact.


Docebo on the Road. Meet-ups featuring successful customers speaking to prospects.


Docebo University, our training platform for customers and partners, also referred to as Docebo U.


Extended Enterprise. Docebo’s solution for external training use cases, a premium feature allowing customers to tailor branding and manage learning content for diverse clients across multiple domains. 



Europe, Middle East, and Asia. The regional division of Docebo managing clients in these locations.


Monthly Active Users. This requires some elaboration, since Docebo treats this differently than others in the industry. Docebo defines Active User as any user who logs into the platform and accesses an asset (i.e. watches a video, opens a course), over a given 30-day billing period. 

  • Once active, a user can take as many courses as they want within that 30 day billing period. 

  • Users logging in that don’t perform such actions are not counted towards active users count. 

  • We do not charge for registrations or “accounts” in the platform.

Note: Unlike registered user models, you can choose a plan that accommodates your anticipated active users. In addition, your plan accommodates monthly active, not annual. This allows you to recycle licenses from month to month to keep costs down.


Master Software as a Service Agreement. This corresponds to Master Service Agreement, Master Software as a Service and Service Agreement, Master Software and License Services Agreement, Software as a Service Agreement.  


Minimum Viable Product. The basic infrastructure setup required to have a functional learning platform.   


North America. The regional division of Docebo managing clients in North and South America. 


Situation Report. A report we use when there are serious issues affecting an account.



Service Level Agreement. 


Yearly Active Users. 

Docebo Personnel Shorthand


Account Executive


Account Manager



Customer Solutions Consultant (formerly Customer Experience Manager) 


Professional Services



Solutions Architect



Solutions Consultant


Are there acronyms you’ve heard or seen that didn’t make the list? Let us crack the code for you in the comments below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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4 replies

Cindy McElhinney
Helper II

@ryan.woods Loving your posts. Thanks for all the great info. I’d like to very kindly point out that you forgot SaaS and it’s in your heading:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

SaaS - Software as a service

And here’s a few more off the top of my head that I can think of...

AI - Artificial Intellgience

KPI - Key Performance Indicator




  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 32 replies
  • April 23, 2021
Cindy McElhinney wrote:

@ryan.woods Loving your posts. Thanks for all the great info. I’d like to very kindly point out that you forgot SaaS and it’s in your heading:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

SaaS - Software as a service

And here’s a few more off the top of my head that I can think of...

AI - Artificial Intellgience

KPI - Key Performance Indicator




LOVE IT! I’m planning to revise a few of these and add some new ones next week, so keep the suggestions rolling in!


Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 147 replies
  • October 18, 2022

As a new Docebo customer, I found this thread very helpful! 😎

  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • August 21, 2024

Hi Ryan,

You do a lot of the training on Docebo University, right? I am trying to get through them and am immediately stopped by Docebo jargon. For example, in Creating and Managing Certifications, the instructions tell me to login as the Superadmin. No clue what this means, but I think there are also power users, superusers, and more undefined types of users. I don’t know how to find out what user I am or what I can and cannot do.

Similarly, in the Catalogs training, it says “Catalogs contain courses and learning plans. For other learning content, there are Pages, Menus, and Channels.” Again, no definitions for learning plans, pages, menus, and channels.

Every time I start a Docebo course, I feel like I am in finals week and forgot to attend class. Can you please recommend a Docebo 101 course of study that starts at the beginning? Is there a testbed environment anywhere so that when I try things out, I won’t erase what my company already set up?

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