💙 What we’re excited about in this month’s release…
Get ready, we’ve got a lot to share in our first roundup of 2022! It’s jam-packed full of everything you need to know. We’re even going to highlight a couple of the new features that are now live in your platform from our December What’s In your sandbox post.
Now available in Docebo, is the Ability to include SCORM and xAPI in ILT courses. I was so excited about this new feature that when I was working with our own internal enablement team to launch a course here at Docebo, I wouldn’t let them push it live until we could combine elearning and vILT together.
As well, I invite you to take a look at the My Team Reports section of the December What’s In your sandbox post to learn l about the four new manager reports designed to help your managers stay on top of their team’s development.
Ok, now, let's get into more goodness!
Course Advanced Settings Improvements
Thank you for your feedback on this one! We heard from a number of you that you needed more time to adjust to the changes coming to Course Advance Setting, so this update will be available in your platform on Feb 9th.
We’ll do our best to walk you through all the changes coming to Course Advance Settings, but we encourage you to watch our recent January Readiness Webinar where Adam does a really great job of outlining all of the changes.
The main drivers behind these changes were to move course management into the new admin framework, reduce the number of clicks required to manage courses and bundle options together in a more intuitive manner.
The first thing you will notice is that we have combined the Properties and the Advanced Properties into a single tab.
On the left, you’ll see all of the previous options under Advanced Settings have been divided into General Settings or Advanced.
Under General Settings you will find:
- Details
- Course Additional Fields
- Enrollment Options
- Time Options
- Player
- Navigation
- Certificate Template
Under Advanced Settings you will find
- Catalog Options
- Equivalences
- E-Commerce
- Score & Credits
- Rating & Sharing
- Certifications & Retraining
We have also moved a few things around, gave them new names and snuck in a few additional enhancements. To help you keep track, here’s a handy outline of what’s moved and changed.
For those of you used to the old details tab here are some updates.
Moved: Credits to Score & Credits
Moved: Navigation Policy to new Navigation tab
Moved: Self-Unenrollment to new Enrollment Options tab
Moved: Maximum Number of Attempts to new Navigation tab
Added: Associated Skills section with the new ability to Associate Skills
Moved: Average Time from Time Options to Details tab
Under Catalog Options we updated verbiage and reorganized options.
Changed: Show Course To to Course Visibility in Catalogs
Changed: Course Subscription to Course Self-Enrollment
Changed: Enrollment Policy to Catalog Enrollment Policy
Changed: Max subscriptions quota to Maximum Enrollment Quota
Under E-Commerce we added conditional rendering and improved help text.
Under Time Options we added conditional rendering and moved Average Time.
That’s not all! We’ve also renamed Rating & Sharing to Social & Rating and moved the Course Enrollment Link to the new Enrollment Options tab.
Another enhancement added is Equivalences! Prior to this update, we offered Mutual Equivalence or as we called them bidirectional. Meaning that regardless of the course completed, both the source course (course you are currently working on) and the equivalent course would be marked complete. With this redesign, we made a small update giving you the option to select the type of relationship between courses.
Source Course - When the source course is completed, all of the target courses linked to it are also marked as completed, but not vice versa
Target Course - Target courses are marked as completed when one of the source courses they are linked is completed
Mutual Equivalence - All courses are marked as completed when one of them is completed
New Building Block: My Courses & Learning Plans Widget
Docebo Flow allows you to inject learning into your products and applications. In addition to, or as an alternative to the Flow App Launcher, last month we launched Flow Building Blocks as stand-alone learning widgets directly in your product. This allows for a more customized, on-brand, and seamless learning experience.
As part of the Docebo Flow January release, we are introducing the My Courses & Learning Plans widget. Putting this widget inside applications makes it easier for learners to access the content they're enrolled in without distraction.
As you can see from the mock up below, you can inject learning directly into your platform by displaying the full list of courses and learning plans available to your learners. Without leaving our application, they can launch this learning and “grow with the flow”.
New Widget: Test Pass Rate
We have added a new widget to Learning Analytics, Test Pass Rate. This widget will display the current pass rate (percentage of learners that passed) and compare the results with the same time range for the previous year.
Now, you can really dig in and evaluate the overall effectiveness of your content. Looking at your pass rate and filtering on additional user fields, may be able to help you identify where to focus your attention. Is it a particular cohort that is struggling? Is it the content that needs to be improved?
Filter by User Additional Fields
You can now slice and dice your data by Additional (User) Fields. This means, well, that your possibilities are pretty much endless when it comes to comparing your data.
Get the information you need when you need it!
🆕 What else is new in the Docebo suite this month:
New Reports are now accessible via the Automation App
Set the channels sorting order in the Channels widget
Sorting channels in the Channels management area
And more… Get into the nitty gritty 👇👇👇👇
📚 Want to learn more?
Here’s a list of resources available to you for the January 2022 Release:
Docebo Resources
January 2022 Release course
Updated in Docebo Help
🤓 Give me the details
For those of you interested in the nitty gritty, here’s all that’s changing in this month’s release:
New accessible area in your platform
Enhance your training program with blended learning
Starting from this monthly release, you can take advantage of ILT (Instructor-Led Training) courses to manage blended learning. Add SCORM, AICC, or xAPI (TinCan) training material to your ILT and VILT courses to mix live and online experience offering comprehensive training to learners.
New reports for managers
As a manager, you can monitor the activity of your team members directly in your platform by managing parts of their learning experience or by contacting them to investigate certain situations. Starting from this monthly release, you can take advantage of four new reports to monitor the activity of your team members. Learn more about reports.
New Reports are now accessible via the Automation App
Starting from this monthly release, the condition “New Report is Generated” is available for reports created using the New Reports section of the platform, allowing those reports to trigger certain actions automatically.
Set the channels sorting order in the Channels widget
For those using the Channels widget, starting from this monthly release, when selecting the Custom Selection option in the Channels to Display section, after selecting the channels of interest, you can set their sorting order by dragging and dropping them. The order set in the widget configuration is the order in which channels are displayed in the widget.
Sorting channels in the Channels management area
For those who use channels, starting from this monthly release, when clicking on the ellipsis menu at the end of the channel row in the Channels management menu, you can use the Move to Top option to move the selected channel to the top of the channels list.
Go.Learn version 4.0.0 and Branded Mobile App version 4.0.0 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
Filter by User Additional Fields is available
Starting from January 28, 2022, Docebo Learning Analytics users will be able to filter dashboards by User Additional Fields. Learn more.
New Test Pass Rate Widget is available
Starting from January 28, a new widget is available for Docebo Learning Analytics users. This widget will show the percentage of tests passed compared to the total number of tests taken in the platform. See all available widgets.
📆 Incase you missed it in our January weekly releases
Sometimes things get missed in the weekly release, be in the know!
Team members’ certificates download for managers
Starting from this weekly release, from the User Personal Summary report, managers are able to download the certificates that their team members have achieved upon course completion.
Improvement in the Question & Answer page
For those using Discover, Coach & Share, starting from this weekly release, experts will be able to delete answers to the questions posted in the channels or assets that have been assigned to them. Up to now, this permission was available only for Superadmins.
Delayed application of changes in public catalogs
As communicated on December 21, 2021, for those using public catalogs, please note that starting from this weekly release, when updating these catalogs, it may take up to three minutes to see your changes applied.
Date format in certificates
As communicated on September 21, 2021, for those using certificates, please note that starting from this weekly release, the format of the dates included in the certificates made available to users will be the one of the language selected for the certificate template, independently from the option selected in the Date Format section of the Date and Time tab of the platform Advanced Settings.
Improvement in the AI-Based channels management
For those who use Discover, Coach & Share, starting from this weekly release, from the AI-Based channel properties page, you will be able to add all skill sets in one go thanks to the new option “All Skills”. This change allows you to improve your user experience and reduce the number of clicks needed to add all the skills of your interest.
⚠️ Heads up! Some changes coming your way
We don’t want you to miss any upcoming changes!
Enhanced cookie policy adoption and support for OneTrust Cookie Consent
Starting from February 23, 2022, all of the Docebo platforms will adopt the enhanced cookie policy management, thus complying with the applicable regulations affecting cookies, such as the European ePrivacy directive.
In addition, you will be able to integrate with the OneTrust Cookie Consent solution, delegating the cookie policy management to this external system.
Restrictions on Power Users’ permission on impersonation notifications
For those using Power Users in conjunction with the Notification app, please note that starting on April 28, 2022, Power User will no longer be able to edit the following notifications:
User impersonation has started
User impersonation has ended
403 error for the POST and PUT /tcapi/statements/ APIs
For those using the POST /tcapi/statements/ and the PUT /tcapi/statements/ APIs, please note that starting on April 28, 2022, these endpoints will return a 403 error when called with an authentication token created for a user who is different from the one written as the actor within the body of the message.
Default thumbnails URLs no longer returned by the GET /manage/v1/globalsearch/search API
For those using the GET /manage/v1/globalsearch/search API, please note that starting on April 28, 2022, the image_url field will be empty when a training material resulting from the search belongs to a course not having a custom thumbnail.
📢 We want to hear from you!
Which update(s) are you most excited about? Do you have any ideas or plans to use these updates? Share with us in the comments below 👇👇👇