Update as of April 13, 2023:
Hi everyone, thank you for all the activity in this post. To keep everything aligned, we’re going to close this post to comments so if you have any further questions related to this, please ask them in this post:
A brand-new usable and accessible training experience for all formal content on your platform.
Throughout 2022, our team has been hard at work refactoring the front-end of all course player pages in Docebo Learn. This has been a detailed, labor intensive process and we appreciate your continued feedback and patience as we’ve made progress.
The redesign activity has focused on redefining the entire user experience of all pages in Docebo Learn that contain Courses and Learning Plans. The following aspects of Docebo Learn have been entirely redesigned with accessibility in mind to be more intuitive and easy to use for all users:
- Catalog Page
- Course Player Page
- Learning Plan Player page
- Overall enrollment experience for learners
Along with these page redesigns, we’ve also worked behind the scenes to fulfill high impact ideas such as enabling a single link for all different pages where a user could access the course. (Please see additional ideas below).
We are happy to announce that we are closing the development of the feature and are starting to plan for its release.
Rolling out these changes
As these enhancements will highly impact all learners and Superadmins, we’d like to begin sharing some details, providing sneak peeks, and gathering feedback.
We plan to start slow since this feature will carry a lot of UX changes. We will work in two phases to prevent a sudden change of user experience and allow time to test and review the feature:
Open beta (opt-in): everyone may enable the new course experience, but the default experience will be preserved
Full release: new course and learning plan experience is live and default experience is removed
We plan to begin the open Beta phase in Q1 2023 to gather feedback. During this phase, customers will be able to try the new experience on specific users and then decide to enable it for everyone.
Check out some of the enhancements in the following video.
Some of the changes we would like to point out other than the ones shown in the video are:
Catalog Page for a Course

By expanding the widget content, users can now explore the content in deep only on demand without losing the big picture.
The new layout with the hero image and the new design make the user experience more enjoyable and easy to read.
Player Page for a Course

All players and the training material have been redesigned to provide a more consistent and usable experience, even when navigating between different types of content.
The new collapsable table of contents and the fullscreen view permit users to adapt the learning experience to their needs.
In addition, the new course widgets area presents all the content of the course consistent with the overview page by making the user experience more enjoyable and easy to read.
See also below for a full list of ideas that we’ve reviewed and considered as a part of this development effort. Thank you to each and every one of you who shared your feedback and have contributed to these enhancements. We’re excited to continue partnering with you through the full release!
Ideas addressed directly in the new redesign (331 total votes):
Additionally, there were many ideas not directly targeted, but they may receive a positive impact from the refactor of the layout:
We are very excited to begin the Beta phase in the New Year! Be sure to keep your eye out as specific dates and any further information will be provided via product updates through the platform. If you’d like to discuss this in more detail, please reach out to your Customer Solution Consultant.
UPDATED January 13, 2023
New video showcasing sneak peek of the feature
With the team nearing the closing of the activities for the release we do have some more features to show. In this update we would like to share how the opt-in will work.
Since the change has such a massive impact on user experience we want to make sure it can be safely managed and the adoption can happen in controlled steps. For this reason we have hidden the feature behind an opt-in flag and a two steps activation process:
- Activate it for me
- Activate it for everyone
More details on this video:
UPDATED March 7th 2023
Release date announced
We have been working hard to finalize the new UI and UX for the Course and Learning Plan Player and are excited to share that you will be able to preview it very soon in the March GA release, starting on March 27!
Any platform Administrator will be able to enable the new UI in preview mode, evaluate the look and feel as well as the experience, and only when ready deploy the new layout to your teams. Please note that deploying the preview will not change your learner workflow.
Our goal is to allow you to give your teams the opportunity to preview, evaluate, and apply the new layout for a couple of months before we switch to the new layout permanently. In that timeframe, we look forward to collecting your feedback on the new user interface and evolving the experience.