Thanks to all of the suggestions, above. From working in other LMSs, we are used to creating groups and checking to make sure the right people are in the group BEFORE we associate the group with an enrollment rule. This is a necessary step for us so just creating a “shell group” with no one in it is unsatisfactory. We’ve come up with a different strategy which I think works best for us:
- Create group and populate it based on the appropriate conditions.
- Create enrollment rule and associate group and courses.
- Go into group and change the conditions so that the logic cannot return anyone (i.e., set some impossible logic; this will vary by use case, but might include: ALL CONDITIONS MUST BE MET when the conditions are mutually exclusive). This will eliminate the population of the group. Save the group change and allow to process.
- Reset the group conditions so that the logic is returned to normal, thus allowing the group to repopulate and see all of the individuals as “new” thus triggering the assignment.
We have tested this and based on our settings (your mileage may vary), the following are true:
- When people are removed from the group they will not be unenrolled from their assigned courses and they will not receive unenrollment notifications.
- When people are added to the group by this process, they will only receive enrollment notifications for courses they were NOT already enrolled in.
- It may take a few minutes after the “refresh” (Step 4 above) for the changes to take place.
We will be testing and watching this for the foreseeable future. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this approach. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.