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When changing text in the localization tool, is it possible to add a bold attribute?  For example, I want to emphasize the word IMPORTANT, but html code does not work.

Appreicate any feedback.



@cschmelzer you can use HTML tags to format most text in the localization tool. Could you please share which specific Key you’re attempting to format, and which Module the Key is in?


The HTML tag for bold formatting is <b> </b>. So if I wanted this text to be bold in HTML, I’d type <b>this text</b> in the translation via the Localization Tool.


See below where I was able to make Active in the Active Users Key bold using this formatting:


Use <b> </b> to format text as bold via the Localization Tool


Thank you for the feedback. That’s interesting because I used the same code, but instead of the text coming through as bold, it comes through with the html code. 

@cschmelzer are you still having the issue? If you can share the Module and Key that you’re trying to translate, I can test on my end for you. There are some Keys that don’t accept the HTML tag formatting due to other formatting built into the product that overrides the edits. One example is the Forgot your password? Key for the login page. You can’t change the formatting since it’s already formatted to be bold & hyperlinked in the system.

Thank you,

I am trying to add text to the Registration form.  Please see below.

Begin your new learning experience by simply filling out this form. <b>Be sure to use your business email address with your company's domain name</b>.

Does this work for you?

It doesn’t look like it’s bold intially, but maybe that is the problem.  

I’m trying to make almost the exact same edit. I want to urge people to use their work email address and not a personal one. The HTML code does not apply to my translation text however. Did you ever find a solution?

I have the same problem in the registration module and cannot add in <BR> or <B> to format the intro text a little differently. I have been successful in the login page though.
