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Here’s everything you need to know about the NEW Ideas portal

  • September 27, 2024
  • 22 replies
Here’s everything you need to know about the NEW Ideas portal


Before we dive into all that’s changed and everything you need to know about the new submission process, we want to take a step back to provide the ‘why’ behind these changes.



Why did we temporarily close the Ideas portal?

Since launching the Ideas portal in Docebo Community over 3 years ago, we’ve learned A LOT. We knew that our process was outdated and inefficient, which led to customers feeling their feedback was unheard and undervalued. We knew this needed to change, so we took the opportunity in association with the launch of our new Feature Roadmap to close the Ideas portal for a short time so we could make the important enhancements to both the submission process and management of your ideas.


Now, let’s jump in! Below you’ll find everything you need to know about the new Ideas portal, including what’s changed and the step by step process to submitting a new idea.



What’s changed?

  • Ideas and feature requests can now be provided in two ways, comments on feature cards within the Feature Roadmap (highly recommended as this is what our Product teams are currently working on) or as brand new ideas via the Ideas portal
  • New idea submission process including a mandatory Idea Submission Template
  • Replaced vote counts with an easier way to distinguish if you have voted for an idea or not (VOTE/VOTED)
  • Updated Product Areas (check out this post for more information on updates)
  • Reduction in idea statuses from 10 to 5. Take a look at each of the new statuses and their descriptions:
Idea status Status details
Submitted This is the default status and is applied to every new idea received via the Ideas portal

The idea meets all of the below requirements and has been passed along to our Product team:

  • submitted using Idea Submission Template
  • only one idea per submission
  • questions 1-3 are answered with sufficient detail
  • meets a predetermined vote threshold
Feature Roadmap The idea has been attached to a feature card in our Feature Roadmap and currently resides within “Under Consideration”, “Feasibility Assessment” or “In Development”. To stay informed on its progress, please monitor the roadmap for updates and changes.
Important note: this status does NOT guarantee delivery. An idea can be in “Feature Roadmap” within the ‘Under Consideration’ or ‘Feasibility Assessment’ roadmap status and then be “Closed” or back to “Open” depending on how those considerations and assessments turn out.

The idea is closed for any of the following reasons:

  • it was not submitted using the Idea Submission Template
  • there was more than one idea submitted
  • there was no, or not enough detail provided in the responses to questions 1-3 (see the example in the gray box in the template)
  • it is a duplicate of an existing submission.
  • it already exists in our product
  • it is not being considered at this time 
Delivered The idea is in “Ready for Release” or “Recently Released” status on our Feature Roadmap meaning it has been implemented as a feature or is coming soon


How do I search the Feature Roadmap and existing Ideas portal?

We’re so glad you asked, click here!


How do I submit a new idea?

Please follow these steps in the order below when submitting an idea or feature request:

  1. Search the Feature Roadmap to determine if your idea or feature request can be associated with an existing feature card.
    • If yes, scroll all the way to the bottom of the feature card to tell us how important this feature is to you and if you have any related ideas or feedback for the specific feature
    • If no, proceed to Step 2
  1. Search the Ideas portal to determine if your idea (or a similar one) already exists.
    • If yes, add a vote and/or a reply to the existing idea with any additional information you’d like to add.
    • If no, proceed to Step 3
  1. Submit your brand new idea using the mandatory Idea Submission Template
    • Only one idea per template will be accepted
    • Questions 1-3 are mandatory and require more than one sentence otherwise the idea will be rejected


*Please DO NOT submit an idea if it already exists in the portal, especially if it’s tagged with the ‘Closed’ status as this will cause unnecessary duplication. If it’s ‘Closed’, it falls under one of the reasons above and this is our way to communicate realistic expectations for your ideas.

FYI ‘Closed’ ideas can still be voted on and replied to as our product team uses the portal to search for ideas so if it’s ‘Closed’ now, it may not always be.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have an existing idea in the portal (from before September 30, 2024) that you’d like to add more context to, please reply to the existing idea and feel free to use any (or all!) of the questions from the new template.


Our commitment to your ideas

  • Every submitted idea will be reviewed (this does not mean replied to or status updated) and may stay in ‘Submitted’ status until it meets specific requirements
  • If a submitted idea meets the specific requirements (listed in the ‘Open’ status above), it will be passed along to our Product team for consideration
  • There are no set timeframes for idea review and status changes


Your feedback is extremely important to us and we appreciate the time you take to provide it. While we do our very best, not every idea can be considered for development, as ideas are just one of the many factors involved in soliciting feedback on the creation of new features.


We are confident that these changes will allow for an enhanced idea and feedback request experience in Docebo Community. We welcome your feedback and look forward to partnering with you to empower your voice in order to help us build better products.


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22 replies

Helper III

Love a good process improvement. Thanks for sharing.

Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 63 replies
  • October 1, 2024

Hi @erin.brisson ,
I'm hoping you can help me with a quick question. Do I need to create all my already submitted ideas again? They are all marked as closed because I didn't create them with the template.

  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 2854 replies
  • October 1, 2024
Lena wrote:

Hi @erin.brisson ,
I'm hoping you can help me with a quick question. Do I need to create all my already submitted ideas again? They are all marked as closed because I didn't create them with the template.

Hi @Lena, if they were submitted before the relaunch of the portal yesterday (September 30) and they have been ‘Closed’, it’s most likely due to the fact that there are no plans to work on them at this time. Please do not resubmit an old idea in the new template as the new template is for brand new ideas only. If you’d like to add more context to an existing idea, we highly recommend replying to the existing idea using the template. Thank you!!

  • Guide II
  • 418 replies
  • October 1, 2024

I’m having some difficulty keeping track of the feature cards I’ve commented on. Specifically, I can't see the last update date, which makes it hard to know if there’s been any progress on the features I’m interested in.

Since I can’t provide feedback on all the cards at once, it’s challenging to remember which ones I've already engaged with and which ones I still need to address.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to better manage this? Is there a way to track my feedback or receive notifications about updates? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4788 replies
  • October 9, 2024
dianex.gomez wrote:

I’m having some difficulty keeping track of the feature cards I’ve commented on. Specifically, I can't see the last update date, which makes it hard to know if there’s been any progress on the features I’m interested in.

Since I can’t provide feedback on all the cards at once, it’s challenging to remember which ones I've already engaged with and which ones I still need to address.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to better manage this? Is there a way to track my feedback or receive notifications about updates? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Agree, not the easiest page to navigate plus the annoyance of having to enter then every your email each time you want to vote something up or post a comment…

I get that we need to get used to the new look and feel but it feels lie things are getting lost somehow...maybe just

  • Guide II
  • 418 replies
  • October 9, 2024

I miss being able to see comments from others and the banter as the user community share workaround and ideal enhancements. 

  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 2854 replies
  • October 9, 2024

@dianex.gomez Thank you for providing this feedback, I know there are some restrictions to the platform being used for our Roadmap but I can understand the frustration so I will dig a little deeper to see what I can find.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • October 16, 2024
Quick question - will we gain insight into what the predetermined vote threshold is?

Good morning - we really have come far to ensure that there is transparency. Thank you!

Can we get into a nuance for a minute?

Can the team pass along what the predetermined vote threshold is? I get that a count of votes is not nearly as important anymore because the count of votes have been removed from this panel (see below). Does the idea need to meet a threshold in a given duration to remain open?

I mention it because as transparent as the active roadmap sounds, IMHO if we dont have a feel for how many votes we need to meet a minimum criterion? We will be creating ideas that may or may not need some attention from our constituents to vote them up. IMHO unless people are going after boosting their profile and getting points for voting, they aren't going to be voting things up. But at the same time, we can be telling folks - “go vote this one up” - a practice done by some of us long-timers - because it is that important for the idea to be heard and we are in a similar boat with them so that we can at least make a newly established idea get into the OPEN status.

Points no longer being shown - probably a good thing.


Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4788 replies
  • October 16, 2024

I hear ya @dklinger am struggling as well but am hoping I’ll get used to it….really want them to fix the issue when adding feedback where you need to verify your email before the post is added...very frustrating and it seems you have to do it for every post...

  • Guide II
  • 418 replies
  • October 16, 2024

I agree with @lrnlab we are already logged in, they know who we are so, why the extra email verification?  

  • Guide II
  • 418 replies
  • October 21, 2024

I am struggling to navigate the ideas portal due to the numerous closed ideas that lack explanations. Additionally, there is no filter to sort ideas based on their status. Should we open new ideas using the new required format?

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4788 replies
  • October 22, 2024

@dianex.gomez totally first I thought, ok I'll get used to this new format but we seem to have lost some context and all the user comments, etc. While I can appreciate the notion that having ideas created in a more standardized fashion makes sense for Docebo, we loose at little with this new format.

One example is for the new Enrolment Attributes - found this in sandbox but there were no notes or explanation as to what these are. When I finally found the idea, I was hoping it would explain this update and what it’s for but the details are not very clear (very general) and I struggle to know what benefits this update will give us...seems we have more pressing ideas to move forward; but that’s just me.

  • Guide II
  • 418 replies
  • October 25, 2024

I’ve noticed that 95% of the ideas in the portal are closed, and it’s challenging to understand why. The reasons for closure include:

  • The idea was not submitted using the Idea Submission Template.
  • More than one idea was submitted.
  • There was no, or not enough detail provided in the responses to questions 1-3 (see the example in the gray box in the template).
  • It is a duplicate of an existing submission.
  • It already exists in our product.
  • It is not being considered at this time.

The instructions also state:

“Please DO NOT submit an idea if it already exists in the portal, especially if it’s tagged with the ‘Closed’ status as this will cause unnecessary duplication. If it’s ‘Closed’, it falls under one of the reasons above and this is our way to communicate realistic expectations for your ideas. FYI ‘Closed’ ideas can still be voted on and replied to and our product team uses the portal to search for ideas so if it’s ‘Closed now’, it may not always be.”

This seems contradictory. If an idea was closed because it wasn’t submitted using the Idea Submission Template or lacked sufficient detail in responses to questions 1-3, further action is needed by the community. We either need to:

a) Open a new idea with the new format, or b) Add information to the existing idea.

However, it’s unclear whether we should create new ideas or update existing ones. Additionally, since we don’t know the specific reason for each idea’s closure, we can’t determine which ideas need more detail or were closed for other reasons.

@erin.brisson can we get some clarity on this process to ensure our ideas are considered effectively?

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4788 replies
  • October 25, 2024

yes please...thanks for posting @dianex.gomez 

  • Novice II
  • 5 replies
  • November 13, 2024

The link to the Idea Submission Template just links back to this same page...where do we go to actually submit an idea? Very frustrating that Docebo Support won’t submit feature requests on our behalf when we’re chatting with them and now there’s no actual way to do it.

  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 2854 replies
  • November 13, 2024

@LMaynard Before submitting a brand new idea, please search the Feature Roadmap and existing ideas to see if the same (or similar idea!) already exists. Here’s how:


If your search in these two areas is unsuccessful, you can submit a brand new idea by following these steps:

From the Idea Submission Template:

  1. Click ‘Copy Template’
  2. Click ‘Create an Idea’




From the Create new post box:

  1. Enter Idea title
  2. Paste the Idea Submission template (that you copied in Step 1)
  3. Select the Product Area associated to the idea (this helps get it in front of the assigned product manager)
  4. Input any desired tags
  5. Click ‘Create’


I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

  • Novice II
  • 5 replies
  • November 13, 2024

Thanks for your reply @erin.brisson but that didn’t solve my issue. It’s okay though because I was able to solve it on my own. 


There’s TWO Idea Submission Template links. The first is at the top of the sticky post and this link DOES work.


The second link is further below in the sticky post and DOES NOT work:

If you click the first link you’ll be taken to the correct Idea Submission Template. If you click the second link you’ll just refresh this same page as you’re redirected back here.

  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 2854 replies
  • November 13, 2024

Apologies for this issue @LMaynard, it has been resolved.

  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 2854 replies
  • November 14, 2024

@dklinger and @dianex.gomez my apologies for the delay in responding to both of your questions.


@dklinger the vote counts are still important to us and even though we removed the vote count, we still want you to vote. We see all the votes and take them into account but they are only one of the many variables needed to implement a feature. Please note, ALL ideas are reviewed however, if there are no current plans to work on an idea, we will close it in an effort for complete transparency and to keep the ideas portal as realistic as possible especially as it relates to the number of Open ideas. 


@dianex.gomez we had an unrealistic amount of Open ideas prior to our relaunch of the portal. During the temporary closure, we worked alongside our product team to determine the ideas that are associated with Feature Cards within the Feature Roadmap as well as any that the team determined to leave Open. Most of the existing ideas in the portal were Closed because they are not being considered at this time.

Here is some additional information in an attempt to help resolve any further ambiguity:

  • Existing ideas prior to Sep 30, 2024
    • All of these ideas were submitted before the implementation of the new mandatory submission template, therefore, if the idea you are looking to submit is the same/similar to an idea from before Sep 30, we ask that you do not submit a brand new idea but that you reply to the existing one with any additional details. Ideally, you’d ensure the existing idea has the information we’re now requesting from the submission template. This way, when the product team is searching through the ideas, they will have all the information related to an idea in one centralized place. 
  • Ideas submitted on or after Sep 30, 2024
    • All ideas submitted after Sep 30 are required to use the Idea Submission Template. If it’s not using the template, there’s not enough detail provided to any of the 3 mandatory questions and/or more than one idea is submitted, the idea will be Closed upon submission and will need to be submitted adhering to the guidelines. The hope is for those that have an idea to search the Feature Roadmap and existing ideas first and if their idea can’t be found in either of those two places, then they’ll follow the idea submission template to submit their brand new idea. 


I hope this helps, please let me know if not.

  • Novice II
  • 5 replies
  • November 14, 2024

@erin.brisson Is there going to be an Admin comment left on Closed ideas explaining why it was closed? As @dianex.gomez pointed out, it’s already very confusing for us users to figure out whether a Closed idea should be resubmitted because it lacked adherence to the Idea Submission Template’s explicit instructions or whether it’s been Closed due to Product choosing not to work on it.

  • Guide II
  • 418 replies
  • November 14, 2024

@erin.brisson what triggers a review if we add comments (e.g. apply the template questions) to an existing closed idea? 

  • Author
  • Docebian
  • 2854 replies
  • November 14, 2024

@LMaynard If the idea is not in the mandatory template, the mandatory questions do not have enough detail or there are multiple ideas in one submission, we will let you know. 


@dianex.gomez if you add a reply to an existing idea, we’ll see there is new engagement on the idea.


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