Important Notice: This communication was originally sent via email on February 28, 2025. If you did not receive it, please verify that you are subscribed to our email communications and have not unsubscribed. To check your subscription status or resubscribe, please visit: Docebo Communications Subscription.
In March 2025, Docebo will migrate all customer databases on Amazon RDS to Amazon Aurora. This upgrade will require a 4-hour downtime window for the final cutover from the existing database to the new one. The actual downtime is expected to be 30 minutes or less, as the Aurora databases will be prestaged ahead of the downtime windows. Migrations will be processed regionally, according to the following schedule:
AP-Southeast-2: March 14th 14:00-18:00 UTC
AP-South-1: March 14th 18:00-22:00 UTC
CA-Central-1: March 17th 05:00-09:00 UTC
EU-West-2: March 18th 00:00-04:00 UTC
EU-Central-1: March 20th 00:00-04:00 UTC
- March 21st 00:00-04:00 UTC
- March 22nd 00:00-04:00 UTC
- March 24th 04:00-08:00 UTC
- March 25th 04:00-08:00 UTC
- March 26th 04:00-08:00 UTC
- March 27th 04:00-08:00 UTC
- March 28th 04:00-08:00 UTC
For customers in EU-West-1 or US-East-1, you may reach out to your CSM with your site URL and we can validate which day your DB will be migrated.
Why is Docebo undertaking this migration?
- Docebo has been gradually transitioning to Aurora-based databases for the past two years. Aurora offers superior performance benefits, and further enhancements are expected this year that will improve Docebo's ability to scale seamlessly to unexpected workloads. These improvements are not readily available on RDS. As an RDS version upgrade was already planned for 2025, Docebo is taking this opportunity to migrate and avoid multiple downtime maintenance windows.
Is this migration safe? What testing has been conducted?
- Docebo has utilized Aurora-based databases for several years. All new signups are now deployed on Aurora as standard practice, and Docebo Infrastructure teams have successfully migrated approximately 100 customers manually over the past two years. The migration process is well-defined and automated. In the unlikely event of an issue during migration, the existing RDS database remains available for failover. As all sites are placed into maintenance mode before migration commences, there is no data loss, even in the event of a failover back to RDS.
How will customers be impacted?
- During the migration window, customer sites will be placed into maintenance mode and will be unavailable. Once the migration is complete and the site's operational status is confirmed, maintenance mode will be removed. No action is required from customers, although Docebo recommends informing users of the upcoming downtime window. Reporting data may be stale for up to 24 hours, but Docebo is making efforts to restore full reporting availability as soon as possible after migration.