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July 2022 UPDATE: Starting September 2022, all Docebo Product Updates (Mid-Month Maintenance Releases, Sandbox Updates and Monthly Product Updates) will move from Wednesdays to Mondays.


Starting March 2022, the Docebo Learn platform will move from a weekly maintenance release schedule to a twice monthly maintenance release. 


This shift comes as a result of feedback from customers wanting  greater stability of the LMS during and after maintenance releases, along with the desire for more detailed resources from Docebo Help, Docebo University and Docebo Community for maintenance releases.


By reducing the amount of times we release new or updated code in your LMS, we’re decreasing the risk of any release-related issues that may occur in your platform either during or shortly after a release. This also allows our quality assurance team the ability to perform more thorough testing for any identified bugs  that are being fixed by our Product Team.


We know this change may stir up some questions, and we’re happy to answer them for you. Here are a few we’ve already received: 


Does this mean Docebo will be fixing a smaller amount of issues in the LMS?

The short answer is - no. Our product team will still be hard at work fixing any issues that arise in your LMS. The speed at which we address and fix any issues in your platform will remain the same, but this alleviates some pressure on our quality assurance teams, allowing them to test issues more thoroughly and decrease any potential risk in releasing new code in your LMS.


What happens to any existing open issues with ETAs for fixes already set?

Great question! If you have any tickets open to our Support team that are currently tied to an issue the product team is fixing and that ETA is currently set for March 2022 or later, you may be notified via our Support team that the ETA may change by no more than one week. Rest assured, we’re still working to fix any issues you’ve reported and won’t drastically change any ETAs on fixing them.


Does this change the larger monthly product update schedule?

It does not. Your monthly product updates (for the Docebo Learn LMS and other Docebo solutions like Shape, Learning Impact and Learning Analytics) will still follow the same monthly update pattern, meaning you’ll receive these updates as usual, on the last Thursday of each month under Product Updates (be sure to subscribe!).


What dates should I expect product updates from March onwards?

Exact dates are subject to change based on the discretion of Docebo, however, to ensure we’re providing you with stable, useful updates, the release dates for 2022 are currently planned as follows:


Mid-Month Maintenance Release and Customer Sandbox Updates

End-of-month Maintenance Release and Monthly Product Update

March 16

March 30th

April 13

April 27th

May 11th

May 25th

June 15th

June 29th

July 13th

July 27th

August 10th

August 24th

aupdated] Starting September 12th 

rupdated] Starting September 28th | All platforms updated Sept 30th

rupdated] Starting October 10th

rupdated] Starting October 24th | All platforms updated Oct 26th

rupdated] Starting November 7th

rupdated] Starting November 21st | All platforms updated Nov 23rd

:updated] Starting December 5th

:updated] Starting December 19th | All platforms updated Dec 21st


tNew] Why does it now say “starting”, when will my platform be updated? 

While the updates begin on a Monday, the majority of your Docebo platforms will be completed by mid-day Wednesday. As it is today, updates take place over a two day period with Docebo SMB customers on day one and all remaining platforms on day two.  We are simply moving the release start up two days to Monday (from Wednesday) and moving day two updates up one day to Wednesday.    


Does this mean you’ll provide more details around the maintenance releases?

Providing richer release resources for you is one of the main objectives for this change. While we’ve heard positive feedback around the additional details coming from our Customer Education team for our monthly product releases (by way of the Product Release Roundups in the Community, as well as Monthly Release courses and webinars in Docebo University), we’ve heard one of your biggest challenges at the moment: you need more details around smaller changes made in your LMS during maintenance releases.


This change gives our teams more time to prepare documentation, gather all relative information , and create richer multimedia content that we can provide to you for each maintenance release.


If you have any other questions, please leave them below and we’ll answer them for you!  ⬇️⬇️⬇️

HI @HawleyKane can this be linked to product updates page? Seems to be much more detail from the parent site:


Hi @lrnlab, We are in the process of moving all the detail from the product updates page to the community.   We want this to be your one stop shop. 

Actually, since I have you here.  What are your thoughts in the archived updates. Do you ever go back and look at past update notes?  I ask as I wonder if pulling the older updates details into the community is something seen as high value.

Thx @HawleyKane much appreciated.

As for the past updates, yes I would see some value to keeping at least 6-12 months worth as we don't always partake in the new ‘stuff’ right away and this is great reference tool to have handy.

Would the old ones go away eventually, of after the 6-12 months would the link still be added for someone if they were more curious. It would definitely be lower priority after that but is sometimes useful to go back and check items when they were launched or the context.

Hi @lrnlab, We are in the process of moving all the detail from the product updates page to the community.   We want this to be your one stop shop. 

Actually, since I have you here.  What are your thoughts in the archived updates. Do you ever go back and look at past update notes?  I ask as I wonder if pulling the older updates details into the community is something seen as high value.

Yes, absolutely. As a customer I highly value transparency. I read through them quite a bit when we experienced serious issues end of last year to find hints about the root cause, going as far back as 12 months. My request would be to have more even detailed information on bug fixes.

Color me frustrated 😣
I had to reach out to “Docebo Support” and was referred back to the “Docebo Community” for the answer.

I pressed for the answer as the specific dates as I could not find the  dates in the “Docebo Community.”
On the second reply from Support, I received this link. After reading the comments, many of us have the same thought or need for this information.

WHY, oh WHY are the dates not more accessible?
Why are the dates for each release not posted in the actual release post?
Why is this information buried?

@nmlogan We can do better.  Let me throw an idea out there… 

We pulled back on In-App notifications when we launched the Product Updates in the community, but if there is customer demand, let’s go back and let’s add more.  We can add the following in-app notifications:

  • Once all sandboxes have been updated 
  • Day one of the mid-month maintenance release
  • Day one of the monthly release

Please note, we release over a two day period with the majority of customer updates taking place on the second day.  For product updates we start on the Wednesday and they are completed Thursday morning.  


Oh and will add the dates to the release post!

@lrnlab @Ceeee @Bfarkas There is no reason that I can see to remove the archive once is it is uploaded to the community, so if there is every a need to go back and review, you will be able to.  

Thank you @HawleyKane, these are sensible considerations. I second @nmlogan’s concerns regarding accessibility and highly appreciate the in-app notification.

Sounds good @HawleyKane thank you.

@HawleyKane - That sounds great!

Another LMS I’ve used, there was a notice/banner that flashed up for power users the week of deployment stating date and time.

Any updates on when the November 2022 sandbox preview/release will be out? I don’t see the community post but according to this post, it was suppose to be out week of Oct 10?

Any updates on when the November 2022 sandbox preview/release will be out? I don’t see the community post but according to this post, it was suppose to be out week of Oct 10?

Fresh off the presses!


@oliviachow Thank you for keeping me honest!
