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Automations to deactivate users in Docebo when their company status is changed to inactive in Salesforce.

  • September 24, 2024
  • 1 reply

Our external users in our Docebo platform are created from the Salesforce intergration app. When a user contact is created in Salesforce, there is a selection to create Docebo access to create a Docebo user account.

What is the recommended best practice for retiring uexternal users when the external users primary account is inactivated in Salesforce?

Example:  Charlie Brown is a member of ACME Corporation.  His contact in Salesforce indicated he should have a Docebo account and it was set up.

Acme corporation is now an inactivated external user.  Is there a way that all contacts associated with the ACME corporation can automatically be set to retired with a date in Docebo when the account status is changed in Salesforce?


In addition is there a recommended workflow, when an external employee leaves a company, but the company remains active?

You’d need to update the user in such a way that marks them as “inactive” in the Docebo platform. Using your analogy, if all Acme users need to be deactivated in Docebo we need to update their Docebo “Active” field or update the users’ expiration dates.

There should be some rule or logic or formula in place that marks Acme corporation as retired in your Salesforce. Utilize this as a trigger to update Acme user fields being mapping to Docebo users in the Salesforce|Docebo application. Let’s say Acme gets retired and then all contacts under Acme get an expiration date inline with the overall Acme retired date. As-long-as the expiration field at the contact-level is mapped to a Docebo user’s expiration date, the “retired” date of all Acme users will be the same date as the Docebo’s user’s expiration date.


Edit: I see you mentioned a use case where an external employee leaves, but the company is still active. You’ll need to discover a similar “triggering event” to see where the process starts in your Salesforce. What action in Salesforce updates a contact to be “inactive” with their company? The solution here is the same as the one above. The Docebo user profile will need to be updated with an expiration date or a value the Docebo “Active” field accepts. If you’d like to learn more about default Docebo fields, here’s an article: You can also reference the batch user import endpoint in Docebo’s API for user field information.


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