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Automated Enrollment for New Hires (by job title)

Contributor I

Hey friends!

I am trying to group multiple “clauses” or conditions to create a group and am running into a wall. Please help if you can!

I have a course that needs to be automatically “assigned” to new users who (a) are in specific job titles and (b) are in the United States. I have 120 total job titles that need to be included in this auto-enrollment. 

What I have tested so far . . .

(1) Created a group with 2 rule sets
[All of the sets below must be satisfied]
> Ruleset 1: User’s [Region] = US & Canada
> Ruleset 2: User’s [Job Title] = (list of 100 job titles)
*Note that Ruleset 2 had to be created with 10 different conditions because there was a 10 item [job title] limit per condition

This worked as expected! Group was populated with 206 users.

However, I then tried to add the remaining 20 job titles, and this is where I experienced issues. Because I could only add 10 conditions x 10 job titles in the first ruleset, I had to test adding another ruleset. 

(2) Created a group with 3 rule sets
-- Same rulesets as above PLUS an additional ruleset (with 2 conditions) to capture the remaining 20 titles

Did not work as expected. No users populated. Retraced back to keeping it as 2 overall rulesets...

(3) Created a group with 2 rulesets
[Any of the sets below must be satisfied]
> Ruleset 1: User’s [Job Title] = (list of 100 job titles) AND User’s [Region] = US & Canada
> Ruleset 2: User’s [Job Title] = (remaining 20 job titles) AND User’s [Region] = US & Canada

Did not work as expected. Tried adjusting “Any of the sets...” to “All of the sets...” and it still did not work


I might be overlooking a simpler solution here and I am more than happy and open to that feedback if anyone can help me make this work easier, or if someone can help me adjust my rulesets + criteria above to make this work. Either one would make my day!


Thanks all,

Best answer by lrnlab

yes that’s it...sometimes easier to manage smaller groups rather than trying to add all in single group. Still, if your groups are set with the option, “at least one set must be met”, the 3 sets should work regardless. I am assuming your job titles are stored as a text field on the user profiles? If yes, then you might need to compare the spelling, check for extra spaces and things like that, that may be causing some gaps in your results…? 

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Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4791 replies
  • January 17, 2024

not sure I follow exactly where you got the issue but it seems to me that if your first set worked, then you can copy that group and update it with your remaining job titles…?? If you try and add all your jobs in a single and use “all sets” it probably wont work because of the 2 sets, however the “At least one of the sets” should still work with the 2. Maybe try the copy function to see if that helps...

Contributor I
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  • January 17, 2024

Thank you @lrnlab for the reply! Sorry - it was a bit difficult trying to explain the exact details without excessive detail, so I understand your confusion! The issue occurred when I added the 3rd rule set. The rule was operating as expected (and populating the correct users) until I added the new rule.

Without using the specific terminology in Docebo, ideally the rule would operate:

[user] is added to [group]
{[region] = US & CANADA
(b) [job title] = Job Title 1, Job Title 2, Job Title 3...Job Title 120}

But, because I am limited to 100 titles per ruleset, I had to add a 3rd ruleset, which “broke” the operation.

When you recommend Copying, are you saying to Copy the entire Group and then update the titles in the copied group to only include the additional 20 job titles? If so, I did consider this, but I was trying to keep everything within a single group for easier set up in the auto-enrollment rule. 

Hero III
  • Hero III
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  • January 17, 2024

yes that’s it...sometimes easier to manage smaller groups rather than trying to add all in single group. Still, if your groups are set with the option, “at least one set must be met”, the 3 sets should work regardless. I am assuming your job titles are stored as a text field on the user profiles? If yes, then you might need to compare the spelling, check for extra spaces and things like that, that may be causing some gaps in your results…? 

Contributor I
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  • January 17, 2024

Thanks again! I am going to test the 3 rules again sometime today/tomorrow and if that doesn’t work I can duplicate the group and only include the 20 additional titles in the new Group. I will report back if I can get the 3 rules in one group to work this week!

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4791 replies
  • January 17, 2024

Hope that does it for you…

Sometimes you can also try rebuilding the group from scratch (keep the one that doesn't work but start a new one). I have seen some issues in the past. Also keep in mind that when you populate your group and if you plan to use it with Enrolment Rules, the rule will only assign users that were NOT part of the group before the rule was activated. So, if you want to start with a new group + rule, you would need to activate the rule, blank out the group and repopulate it to get he rule to assign...or have the rule ready to go and active before you “process” the group results.

Contributor I
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  • January 17, 2024

Thanks again for your help and details. And what you are describing in your comment @lrnlab , this is what we are needing. Current users in those titles in the US & Canada have already completed the course; we only want to catch new users joining the group (new hires going forward).

I tried again with the 3 rules and it still did not work. I think I understand why it is not working with three rules.

Rule 1: user’s region = US & Canada
Rule 2: user’s job title = Job Title 1...Job Title 50
Rule 3: user’s job title = Job Title 50...Job Title 100

Because users must be in US & Canada, I can’t select “any of the sets” at the main eligibility section - otherwise, all US & Canada employees would be included. And I am only looking for users in the US & Canada in specific job titles. And if I select “all sets,” a user who meets Rule 2 would not also meet Rule 2.

However, separating the rules out into two distinct groups did work as expected, so all is good!


Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4791 replies
  • January 17, 2024

@mrrippy82 yup that would be the issue...glad you were able to resolve it...


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