Hey friends!
I am trying to group multiple “clauses” or conditions to create a group and am running into a wall. Please help if you can!
I have a course that needs to be automatically “assigned” to new users who (a) are in specific job titles and (b) are in the United States. I have 120 total job titles that need to be included in this auto-enrollment.
What I have tested so far . . .
(1) Created a group with 2 rule sets
[All of the sets below must be satisfied]
> Ruleset 1: User’s [Region] = US & Canada
> Ruleset 2: User’s [Job Title] = (list of 100 job titles)
*Note that Ruleset 2 had to be created with 10 different conditions because there was a 10 item [job title] limit per condition
This worked as expected! Group was populated with 206 users.
However, I then tried to add the remaining 20 job titles, and this is where I experienced issues. Because I could only add 10 conditions x 10 job titles in the first ruleset, I had to test adding another ruleset.
(2) Created a group with 3 rule sets
-- Same rulesets as above PLUS an additional ruleset (with 2 conditions) to capture the remaining 20 titles
Did not work as expected. No users populated. Retraced back to keeping it as 2 overall rulesets...
(3) Created a group with 2 rulesets
[Any of the sets below must be satisfied]
> Ruleset 1: User’s [Job Title] = (list of 100 job titles) AND User’s [Region] = US & Canada
> Ruleset 2: User’s [Job Title] = (remaining 20 job titles) AND User’s [Region] = US & Canada
Did not work as expected. Tried adjusting “Any of the sets...” to “All of the sets...” and it still did not work.
I might be overlooking a simpler solution here and I am more than happy and open to that feedback if anyone can help me make this work easier, or if someone can help me adjust my rulesets + criteria above to make this work. Either one would make my day!
Thanks all,