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I’ve created a set of badges that are assigned upon completion of a group of courses (ie Badge A awarded upon completion of course A, B, C, D; badge B awarded upon completion of courses A, C, D, etc.). For a few users though, this is causing one badge to be assigned twice (at the same time). Does anyone know of a workaround--is this something I need to resolve on the course end because it’s being marked twice or is this a badge automation bug?


Picture below to show what I mean when I say the badge is achieved and assigned twice at the exact same time for the exact same course.


Hi @robrien 

I think that it is not a bug. In both scenarios, the user gets a badge because the criteria you set is to complete certain group of courses, that’s why the user gets the badge twice, because the badge is the same. Is it possible to use different badges instead?

So the badge is a single badge that is awarded twice through the completion of the same module. It almost seems like the user is double enrolled possibly which would create this type of scenario however I can’t seem to find where that is occurring or how to prevent it. 

@robrien Thank you for bringing your question to the community! May I ask if you were able to discover the cause of this issue, or if the issue is still persisting?

@robrien Thank you for bringing your question to the community! May I ask if you were able to discover the cause of this issue, or if the issue is still persisting?

Unfortunately no, I have not. I figured it might be a dual enrollment situation but I’m not seeing any instances where this is the case. From what I can see, it occurs because a course is showing completed twice at the exact same time which triggers the automatic assignment but this doesn’t occur if someone goes back and redoes the course or anything along those lines. 

@robrien Do you have an idea as to why the course is showing completed twice?

@robrien Do you have an idea as to why the course is showing completed twice?

No. I checked through both the users and the modules themselves with no clarity. It’s very strange!

Do you have the badge mapped to a course, learning plan, or training material?

Is it possible that it is mapped to either a training material that is mapped to more than one course or multiple courses that share a training material? And then I don’t know if the user needs to be enrolled in both courses, but I believe the behavior would be they would be marked complete for both courses once the training material is completed.

I have not tested this scenario, but it seems plausible.


@robrien I agree with @lhubbard that this could be the cause, but if you’ve investigated thoroughly, my suggestion would be to reach out to support and open a ticket. Our support team is better equipped to take an in-depth look at this issue.

Do you have the badge mapped to a course, learning plan, or training material?

Is it possible that it is mapped to either a training material that is mapped to more than one course or multiple courses that share a training material? And then I don’t know if the user needs to be enrolled in both courses, but I believe the behavior would be they would be marked complete for both courses once the training material is completed.

I have not tested this scenario, but it seems plausible.


It’s currently mapped to be automatically assigned once the user completes certain courses that are associated with the specific characteristic. (ie leadership badge upon completion of “course a”, “course b”, “course c” then the communication badge upon completion of “course a”, “course c”, “course d”). I’m thinking you’re right in that it has to do with some type of cross over. I’ll have to examine a bit more. 

If I don’t find anything though I’ll make sure to launch a ticket @elliott.vickrey ! Thank you both!

@robrien The only other time I have seen a duplicate course completion time stamp is if equivalencies are used.

Course A is equivalent to Course B, both get marked complete when Course A is done. And for that one, the learner does not have to be enrolled in both courses.

I’ve created a set of badges that are assigned upon completion of a group of courses (ie Badge A awarded upon completion of course A, B, C, D; badge B awarded upon completion of courses A, C, D, etc.). For a few users though, this is causing one badge to be assigned twice (at the same time). Does anyone know of a workaround--is this something I need to resolve on the course end because it’s being marked twice or is this a badge automation bug?


Picture below to show what I mean when I say the badge is achieved and assigned twice at the exact same time for the exact same course.


Looking at the badges section, I can see that the badge is granted whenever the user completes a set of courses. The user last completion of the course appears also to be the last time had access to the course and completed.
Because whenever the user clicks on renewal, the system will reset the tracking for the user, if the user had access to the Course and decides to renew the certification, that would allow the user to renew the certification and earn again the badge leading to duplicate badges.


We are seeing this same issue with some of our badges.  We have a badge mapped to completing a learning plan and we’re seeing a range of the 2nd badge being applied anywhere from 3 to 20 minutes after the first.  Checking the enrollment completion, it matches up with the 1st badge.  Not sure where the 2nd is coming from.  The conditions are very straightforward - complete this learning plan.

We’re seeing the same issue…

We have 10 badges that are assigned autmatically based on replying to a forum for any to the selected courses. They are meant to be assigned incrementally but are being assigned all at once.


  • Badge 1 should only be assigned when the user replies once
  • Badge 2 assigned when they reply twice

and so on, but this is not the case...I tested and replied only once and was assigned ALL the badges...Had a lot at the set-up and the line about how many replies is quite clear but does not behave in the way it is described…

It seems this number includes ANY replies, up to the number input by the admin….not quite what we expected. Will be logging a ticket…

tagging @elliott.vickrey 
