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I understand there is a standard course evaluation questionnaire - could someone be kind enough to let me know where I find this to attach to our courses (a mix of eLearning and ILT courses).  Thank you

Hi @Justine 

I’m not sure there’s a default questionnaire that can be attached to courses, but you can create a new one as follows.

  1. Go to >Course Management] and select the cTRAINING MATERIAL] tab. 
  2. Click iADD TRAINING MATERIAL] and then select Survey] from the dropdown list.


I’m not aware of a default course feedback survey. Only the “course rating” which is a star rating you can enable.


What I do is create a survey in the central repository, using the “local” option, and push that to any courses that need it.

@Maz That’s a really good point about using the central repository. We do the same with surveys.
