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We have thousands of external training “events” where an employee has taken a course outside of our organization but we need to maintain records for certification. For example, taking First Aid CPR with the Red Cross. Is there a way for me to bulk update their external historical records to add it to the First Aid CPR certification to tell them it expires in 2 years? This is one of many examples. I can figure out which external training goes to which certification. I understand it would have been better to have had them/us check the box when entering the new activity, but now I have literally thousands of records to update and I’m looking for a solution.


I just looked through the “manage external courses” and that doesn’t have an option to assign to a certification. That would have been the perfect solution. 

tested the CSV import and I see what you’re saying...there is no option to link the records to a certification booo!

Is asking your users to track it themselves via My activities an option? If yes, they can choose the certification from that point..not sure if that might be too confusing especially ion you have many different cert types.
