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Hello all!

For a course I’m building learners are asked to respond a prompt each week. We’d like these responses to be visible to all course members, as part of the requirement will be that they respond to each others’ posts. 

I planned to have them respond in a forum, but how would I go about communicating/tracking completion of this task within Docebo? This is a feature available in other LMSs I’ve used.

To my understanding, having them submit a response as an assignment allows it to be graded, but will only make it visible to the Instructor (or other users with grading permission), and an observation checklist would only allow one person to submit the checklist, and we’ll have multiple users moderating the course.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Not quite sure I understand your use case however for grading assignments, this is not restricted to Instructors only. Power users (with proper permissions) and super admins can grade assignments as well.


Not quite sure I understand your use case however for grading assignments, this is not restricted to Instructors only. Power users (with proper permissions) and super admins can grade assignments as well.

Sorry, let me clarify. We want their responses to a “discussion board” (forum) to be graded/tracked for completion. Using the Assignments feature to submit responses would mean that only the person/people responsible for grading would be able to see the submission, rather than all course members.

I know you can grant badges and points to forum responses but pretty sure you cannot grade them per se. Are you talking about the forum widget on a course? Diid you have a look at gamification? It’s not a grading system but you could potentially manage that in some way to get you want you want…? 
