Handling when courses don't save progress

  • 23 August 2022
  • 2 replies


How do you handle a situation where a learner is reporting their progress in a course hasn’t saved?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

really depends on the course, the situation, the user and all kinds of factors...that said, the resolution is usually either a reset for that user or if we can establish a true tech issue, we might mark them as complete anyway. If for compliance, we can sometimes give them a paper version of a test before marking them as completed.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

As mentioned previously, it depends on where the issue lies. I most commonly see it with SCORM packages. Typically speaking, that comes from one of 3 main sources (could be others too of course). First, a potential internet glitch at the time the user closes the package that interrupts the reporting to Docebo (not the most common but can happen). Second, the SCORM package itself is configured wrong thus not allowing the user to actually achieve a complete status (i.e. SCORM is set that user has to view x number of slides but based on navigation elements they may not always hit that number to trip the completion). Third, sometimes a larger SCORM package can have the suspend data fill up and then it stops bookmarking and completing. I generally see this most often with SCORM 1.2 and simply republishing to SCORM 2004 3rd edition will resolve it. Hope that helps! 
