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We have an enrollment notification set up as follows:

Event - User waiting to be approved to an ILT session

Scheduled - At the time of the event

Filter - All branches and groups

Roles - Superadmin

Associated Courses - ‘All Courses’ 

This Notification is not being sent for all courses. If anyone is using the ‘All Courses’ for Associated Courses, please let me know if you have encounter this issue and/or idea on how to resolve.  We have a ticket open, but Support is not able to resolve.  Any ideas are appreciated.

HI @cheryl.theis we don’t use the “all courses”option but I have had a similar hit or miss with this notification. We found based on some testing, that when a course requires admin approval AND is also for sale, this notification was not firing as expected. Could that be part of your issue? 

Is this meant tone sent to your admins (PUs) or users or both?

Approvals are a single workflow that can sometimes not work as expected when used along with other functions like eCommerce.

We do not use ecommerce, but these courses are set up to require Admin approval.  The strange thing is notification is working for 90% of our courses. We had to rebuild all our courses from webinars to ILT at the beginning of the year, so each was built/set up the same plus double checked.  We can’t see anything different in the settings in the ones the notification is not working.

Thank you for the information.

@cheryl.theis have you tried to rebuild the entire notification from scratch? that may help to restore the “all course” setting..?? You can leave the original intact but build a new one and then test with with one of the courses you know it’s not sending out for.

I built a new Course Enrollment Notification with the Event  as’ User enroll in ILT session’ and set it to ‘All Courses’.  Upon testing, more courses are triggering the notification but still specific ILT courses are not sending the notification. It looks like using ‘All courses’ is not a real option for us unless we get a response to our ticket. 

If we find the answer to this bug via our ticket, I will share with Community. I appreciate the solution ideas, Cheryl

that is odd indeed...yes, please share your findings.

thought: could I tie that those that are not triggering the emails were originally Webinars (that were migrated to ILTs)?

We rebuilt all our webinars into ILTs at the beginning of the year.  It was shortly after that a portion of these virtual ILT courses’ enrollment notification stopped triggering.  82 ILT courses built the same way and compared all the screens. 

thought it may have been a migration issue 😐
