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I see many variations on this topic. Has anyone solved this yet, either with webhooks, API, magic pixie dust…

I do not want to send a list of courses not complete (digest). I do not want to send the notification AFTER the learning plan is due. I do not want to make managers Power Users and give them reporting access. I am not worried about combining all direct reports into a single communication (that would be lovely, but it’s the least of my concerns).

The learning plan is not in  controlled order, any of the courses could be the last course completed. That is to allow the user flexibility and time management.

Yes the “course has expired” notification allows you to send it before the end date, but it’s at the course level, not learning plan.

I want to send a single email notification X number of days before a Learning Plan enrollment reaches it’s end of validity. I want to send the notification to the user’s direct manager. Ideally I could send a single email to the user and CC their manager. Essentially, I just need the “Learning Plan Enrollment Expiring” notification to send to a manager.



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