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Tracking Quiz Attempts

Hi Docebo Team!


Curious about quiz tracking. After some digging I’ve found that Docebo only stores the most recent quiz attempt score. I am wondering if there is any data stored about how many times it takes a user to pass a test? Use Case: We are setting our accepted passing score to 100%, and are wondering if we will be able to see how many attempts it takes users to reach the 100% score (User A took 4 times to pass)


Thanks for your help!

12 replies

Gary Jarvis
Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 80 replies
  • October 14, 2021

are you using a SCORM based quiz?

if so in the course management > reports> training material select the scorm package where the quiz is


This shows the first attempt ( counts from Zero) at the question (you can look at an individuals response if you select that individual in the report

scroll down and you will see  subsequent attempts

Hope this helps






Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1673 replies
  • October 14, 2021

@Gary Jarvis- I guess that is assuming that the person imported the SCORM file as a SCORM 2004 version?

Gary Jarvis
Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 80 replies
  • October 14, 2021

Should also work with SCORM 1.2


Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1673 replies
  • October 14, 2021

@cfriedman - here is an intriguing workaround...take a look at EasyGenerator….it generates SCORM packages, but it also is running an LRS (Learning Record Store) quietly and the SCOs will communicate with the EG platform via xAPI...and show all the scores. More intriguing? It will actually pass the person question insights into a question being too easy or too hard based on a statistical analysis of how people are doing with the question.

Hope you find this to be an approach you can use.

Note - the folks at EasyGenerator did not pay me to endorse their product. :laughing:

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1673 replies
  • October 14, 2021
Gary Jarvis wrote:

Should also work with SCORM 1.2


@Gary Jarvis This is what I get when I click on Answers Breakdown….

The SCO I am working with allows you to submit at the end of the course your attempt.

I can see the CMI interactions though…


  • Author
  • Novice II
  • 7 replies
  • October 14, 2021

Thanks @dklinger and @Gary Jarvis for the suggestions for using a SCORM based quiz! We have been working with the learning material that can be generated within Docebo (+ Training Material » Create » Test) and are looking for solutions within that template for the time being. Do you happen to know about these capabilities?  

  • Influencer II
  • 41 replies
  • November 9, 2021

I’m in a similar situation as @cfriedman where we would like to record users attempts on tests at the end of courses.

Currently, the only way we can track it is from emails being sent after a test is completed, but even that is partially working (don’t ask, I have a ticket open with Docebo Support to look into it).

So unless there is some way to generate a report of all tests that were attempted in the past X number of days, that might work for me but cfriedman may not have as much use if they are attempting it multiple times per day.



I came across this post while looking for a similar answer. Does the TEST training material in Docebo have the ability to display or report out on multiple attempts? When I build a test using the TEST training material, both the in-course Reports tab and a generated report only show the most recent effort. We want to be able to document or track when an employee makes multiple attempts on a test.

  • Guide I
  • 52 replies
  • January 25, 2023

Hi @brandonmaldonado 

I believe that your concern might be addressed in an upcoming update (slated for Feb. 2023). Essentially, this will let you see the attempt history on Test-type training material within a course. It appears that this works if the course that the test resides within is not yet complete, though, and not with tests taken again after completion.

I hope this helps.

Novice II
  • Novice II
  • 6 replies
  • February 1, 2023

Following on from this conversation has anyone set up notifications for test attempts:

  • notify user of they have reached maximum number of attempts (and what to do)
  • notify relevant staff that a user has reached maximum number of attempts.

Other questions on quiz attempts:

  • Is there an option to increase number of attempts for an individual learner
  • How have you handled makring if a learner has reached maximum number of attempts and the next step is to have a discussion with the trainer to confirm understanding (i.e. they are not required to retake the test)

  • Helper III
  • 77 replies
  • February 9, 2023
LNew wrote:

Hi @brandonmaldonado 

I believe that your concern might be addressed in an upcoming update (slated for Feb. 2023). Essentially, this will let you see the attempt history on Test-type training material within a course. It appears that this works if the course that the test resides within is not yet complete, though, and not with tests taken again after completion.

I hope this helps.

It would be great to see this implemented for SCORM-type training material and it would also be very helpful to be able to add the number of attempts to our automated/scheduled reports that go out to our stakeholders. This update still requires super/power users to manually get the data on the admin side of the platform. 

Contributor II
  • Contributor II
  • 17 replies
  • May 17, 2023

Following this thread - was the Feb 2023 update mentioned above implemented, and did it have this fix?
I’m in need also of tracking historic attempt data, and at the moment all I’m getting is most-recent.  This is for test content generated in Docebo, not SCORM-based.  

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