Hello! I am looking to create office hours after a particular course is done. What is the best way to create office hours in Docebo? Best way to set up an ILT?
What is the best way to create office hours in Docebo?
Best answer by lrnlab
The most straightforward was would be to create a session with multiple events so once a user enrols, they are booked in all events. This can work well with virtual classrooms as users can pop in and out as needed. You can use the Event Description to let users know the topic of the day, etc.
If you go the route of a single event in a session, you can do this as well but would need to constantly archive the user enrolment in order for them to be registered in the next session.
Now if you dont care so much about tracking, you can go the multiple sessions route and just allow your users to switch out of sessions as needed.
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