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How can we configure some parts of Docebo (search, channels, widgets…?) to capture what people want to learn and cannot find in our platform? The scenario is that the learner is looking for something, cannot find it, can easily state somewhere what they are looking for (their learning need or a gap in our offerings) and then as admins, we can easily see all those requests/needs accumulated somewhere so over time we may see trends or top asks. 

@Henrieta Riesco are you finding users are requesting content that is in your platform, but they aren’t finding it or are they requesting content that isn’t yet available? 

If it’s the second option and they are asking for content that is yet to be created, we had at one point in our platform right on the front page a custom button that allowed people to submit feedback and requests.  We did move this out of our LMS to our Intranet (only because it got a huge makeover and we tied it into a survey on resource requests for processes and learning). Anyway I was using a Microsoft Form and linking it to the button. It worked pretty well for us. 

We have a separate category in our ticketing system dedicated to requesting specific trainings; however, what I can also recommend is doing regular surveys asking your users about what they want, need or how they want to develop themselves.

Another suggestion would be including surveys directly after some of your courses to ask users if they would like to see more content on the same or similar topic.

Hey @Henrieta Riesco… I’m using a similar approach to what @Stephanie Dreiling is suggesting; I’ve taken an embed link from a Google Form and using an HTML widget:


If you have Discover, Coach, and Share, Google Forms can also be used as an Asset with quite a nice outcome. 

The result is that all of the results would be collected inside the Survey tool (Google in this case) for your team to review/etc.

Hope it helps. :)

oh @SuperShaune I love how the embedded google form looks! 

We use something similar to that, but with an embedded WuFoo form instead of a google form.

@Annarose.Peterson happy to hear it! :)


Just thinking too; you could also create a dedicated “Feedback collection” page; linked from the menu or the home page and manage all of this kind of thing from one spot. Your survey, specific videos or content embedded talking about various initiatives, links to key courses or related content/assets - this kind of thing...

In the meantime, I’m checking out WuFoo :)
