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Hey Everyone!  

I have huge ideas for what I’d like to do with our platform, but I’m always interested in seeing the creative and unique ways others are using theirs.  I’d love to hear AND see cools ways you have designed, unique ideas of utilizing your channels and pages.  

One of the most helpful tools that we have used is a google calendar integrated on a separate page, that allows people to register for GoTo Training Sessions.  This was a work around after the platform stopped supporting GoTo.  I know this isn’t super creative or unique, but it has been a great help!

I’d love to hear your unique platform ideas and uses! 

There is Version 2 of Goto Meeting available...did you try that?

One of my favorite platforms that I have seen is one that has something new in it weekly. They secured a spot on the homepage where they post a new video, an encouraging quote, a fun corporate photo, an ad for an upcoming event. They have a lot of return users because there is always something new for the learners.

No we haven’t tried that.  Honestly, we just got this up and going and we had already had to send out various different instructions on how to register, so I’ll probably keep it the way that it is for the time being.  I don’t want to confuse people.

That’s an awesome idea, Allie! 



The thing I have learned is “Keep it Simple” I have spent hours redesigning pages, and I was so proud of them, but the number one complaint I would get is there too much info on the page or “I never click on that”. So I’ve customized landing pages for Supervisors/Non-Supervisors and included just the info they “need” then everything else goes into my menus. 

Supervisor View: 


Non-Supervisor View: 


I won’t claim either of these layouts are creative, but they are super functional! 

@Stephanie Dreiling I agree with you. The pages look great and providing information specific to what the learner needs, is extremely important. If the learner can’t find something quickly they get frustrated.

Great job meeting the needs of your learners!!!

Here is my homepage we kept a simple design.


@Salvo love that layout and all the colors! So bright and fun! I really like how you’ve added the calendar view to the landing page!

Hi Stephanie, yes we use the calendar for all our virtual training. Glad you like it

The graphics are outstanding. I really appreciate the design. 



Wanted to share this webinar recording from the Docebo Road to Inspire series from December 2020. It’s a called “Bringing beautiful learning platforms to life” where three of our customers shared their platforms and talked through design decisions. A great watch for a little extra inspiration!


@mj_ thanks for sharing this, great inspiration! 

One of my favorite platforms that I have seen is one that has something new in it weekly. They secured a spot on the homepage where they post a new video, an encouraging quote, a fun corporate photo, an ad for an upcoming event. They have a lot of return users because there is always something new for the learners.

I’ve done exactly the same on my homepage to embed a Shape video :)



Here’s our home page for new partner organizations. We have other pages depending on the branch. We are going to give our home page a refresh at some point soon. Just to note, the intention of our Featured Content is a “marketing box” where will we change it up with new content. The Resource box links to our Zendesk knowledge base. I too, love seeing what creative things people are doing with their homepages. It’s a struggle to not want to overdesign. I agree with @Stephanie Dreiling that it’s important to keep it simple--our challenge has also been how to keep it engaging. As you can see our approach is super casual - all of our courses also have a super casual and fun tone.


All such fantastic homepages!  We kept ours simple as well!  We also like to have a dedicated “Notification Center” area that has updated messaging that is dependent on the user role.  Currently, our learners have COVID-19 resources as their notification center.  Our Administrators that can run reports are seeing messaging about the updates with the New Reports.


love seeing all of the incredible page designs in this thread!


I’m going to tap on the shoulder of my former colleague @alex.barley because I know he has some beautiful pages to share from nCino University. 

These are all so great!!!  I am totally inspired by what you all have done.  @Stephanie Dreiling @Cindy McElhinney @Annarose.Peterson @SuperShaune @Salvo I’m curious where you got your images from?  Is that HTML?  We use canva for a lot, but I have a hard time bringing to life what I have in my head.  I love the images with the color overlay and gradients.  How do you do that?  

Here is my homepage we kept a simple design.


Do you have a scrolling banner at the top?  I love that!  HOW??  lol 

@agilleland Yes, that’s a scrolling banner made with the help of comslider:smile:

@agilleland Yes, that’s a scrolling banner made with the help of comslider:smile:

Wow I didn’t know this existed!  Thank you for sharing! 

@agilleland Yes, it’s super cheap and easy to use. I spent $40 for the year. You can add links to page or anything else.


I love the images with the color overlay and gradients.  How do you do that?  

@agilleland So, of course, all of our photos are actual images of the kiddos in our program which in our case is better than stock images. But we do use some stock photos and some illustration/vectors. We subscribe to E-Learning Brothers for their stock library and their character sets which we use in our courses. For most of our color treatments/overlays and whatnot, I pretty much use PowerPoint. All of my course thumbnails, asset thumbnails, course images were all designed in PowerPoint. Recently, I’ve started using Visme which I really love. I think it’s similar to Canva. But the templates alone spark all kinds of inspiration. To do the color overlay, you just insert your image, then add a shape over the image and format the shape options with color and gradient. Super easy in Powerpoint. Then save the slide as an image. Hope that helps. Feel free to message me directly if you want more specific help. 

@Salvo I love how you spread one image across several widgets. Very cool. I also played around with comslider and love it! I think we may be able to use it when we do a redesign. Thanks so much for sharing this nifty little application.:dark_sunglasses:

@Cindy McElhinney no problem, glad I could help.

These are all so great!!!  I am totally inspired by what you all have done.  @Stephanie Dreiling @Cindy McElhinney @Annarose.Peterson @SuperShaune @Salvo I’m curious where you got your images from?  Is that HTML?  We use canva for a lot, but I have a hard time bringing to life what I have in my head.  I love the images with the color overlay and gradients.  How do you do that?  

We have access to Adobe Stock for many of our images, others I just do searches on Google and find public images we can use. To create the overlay I use PowerPoint or Snag-it!  Loving this thread and all the other useful tools I am seeing as well! 

Our design was created initially by the brand team. Our brand has multiple organisations; we wanted to get away from using company’s name. It all revolves around the journey of learning following your North Star. 
