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Welcome to the Show & Tell Category!


This post explains the purpose and themes within this category.


What is this category about?

This category is all about shameless self-promotion. This is a chance for you to share the awesome things that you're doing and for us to all applaud 👏. We're here to collectively celebrate one another's accomplishments. After all, it's always more fun to celebrate with a crowd.


What can I do here?

Share, share, share! We'd obviously love to see all of the awesome things that we know you are doing with Docebo, but this category isn't limited to the product. Promote anything great you're doing: from publishing a book to starring on a podcast to baking a perfect loaf of sourdough. If you share it, we’ll be there to give it a “like” and a “job well done!”


Sharing screenshots and videos from within your platform are some of the best ways to show off what you’ve built. We kindly remind you to review whatever you share to make sure that it's yours to share. Please refrain from sharing private information about yourself or others when sharing screenshots and videos from your platform.


You can post Questions and Conversations in any category. Conversations are the most common type of post in this category.

Questions are in Q/A format. They can have best answers, which give points to the user that posted the solution and highlights the answer for everyone to easily find. Make sure to mark an answer as best if it solves your problem.

Conversations are for open-ended discussion. Got something you’re curious about discussing, or looking for opinions? Start a conversation, and see who joins in.

Updated our customized pages recently to try a new layout for supervisors.  We struggle to get our supervisors into the platform, and when they do get in, we struggle to get them to reports to see how their team is doing.  Our new layout displays any overdue courses for their team right on the intro page now, then we use the Courses/Learning Plans for their own items. It’s helped but still a long way to go!  

What do all your landing pages look like? Any fabulous layouts that could help us with Executive Reporting, efficiencies getting info to staff in various positions, etc? 

@Stephanie Dreiling is that a standard widget as it would be useful for our manager to be able to see that. We only have seven mandatory training courses so to try and see which ones are overdue from the ‘My team’ page is really hard.

@Lucy.blake we use the “Task List” Widget to create that display. Then for the settings we select “Courses that are overdue” in the Admins and Power Users Only Section. We have our staff tied to their supervisors in their profiles and within groups so this allows us to display only the logged in users employees within the box.

It works really well for us because if you have Sups overs Sups it will go all the way down, for instance our President can see the entire CU, our VPs can see their direct reports, plus overdue courses for anyone those people supervise, and so on. 

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions!

Thanks @Stephanie Dreiling,

How do you tie peoples supervisors into their profiles. Setting up the groups sounds quite complicated, how did you find it to set up? Are all your supervisors power users?

We’re currently using ‘My team’ To view overdue courses. And we’re using the built in hierarchy system, ie ‘manager information’ and this ‘user manages colleagues’ in the colleagues section of the user set up. 

Updated our customized pages recently to try a new layout for supervisors.  We struggle to get our supervisors into the platform, and when they do get in, we struggle to get them to reports to see how their team is doing.  Our new layout displays any overdue courses for their team right on the intro page now, then we use the Courses/Learning Plans for their own items. It’s helped but still a long way to go!  

What do all your landing pages look like? Any fabulous layouts that could help us with Executive Reporting, efficiencies getting info to staff in various positions, etc? 

I LOVE THIS!! Did you create your own custom widget for the overdue team courses or is that in the system? I feel like I haven’t seen this anywhere! 
