I want to get only the fields “id” and “last_update” from this endpoint: /course/v1/courses (full link: https://<our_domain>.docebosaas.com/api-browser/#!/course/Courses/Courses_course_v1_courses), and specific fields from this endpoint: /course/v1/courses/{id} I searched in the documentation of these endpoints but didn’t find how to do it.
Does it possible to get specific fields from an endpoint of the Docebo API
Best answer by Bfarkas
That URL didn’t bring me to a specific entry in the api browser, I see Batch Course Delete and Batch Course Update both have similar URL logic, but I imagine you are doing a GET not an Update or Delete, Which one of the entries were you trying for? I don’t see the /course/v1/courses/{id} directly unless I am missing something.
More generally, if the data is returnable, you need to filter somehow for the specific fields you want, not a way to have the endpoint only return a subset of the requests answers fields.
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