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ILT/VILT Attendance Status Not Set Correctly or at All

  • March 27, 2024
  • 6 replies

I’m wondering if anyone might be willing to share your experience with Event Attendance status updating properly when using the Zoom Webinar integration on the event and having the event marked attended if the user spends a % of the total time in the webinar. 

Here is what we have…. We have set up an ILT course with one session and one event. The event is using the Zoom Webinar tool which has been set up using the Docebo-Zoom app. On the event, under the Attendance Options, Mark the event as attended when the user joins the webinar” we have selected to “mark the event as attended if the user spends at least % of the total time of the webinar in the webinar tool” and have entered 65 as the percentage. We have also selected “Mark the event as attended if the user accesses the recordings”. Everything appears to be set correctly, yet after the webinar has completed and we look at the event attendance, we see the list of users with the hours attended updated to reflect the amount of time they spent in the webinar but the attendance status remains is not always updated. Sometimes the attendance status is updated correctly showing Present or Absent based on the percentage of time we indicated during the event setup, but other times the attendance status is simply not updated and all the users remain in the Not Set status even though the hours attended for the webinar qualifies them to be marked present or absent. If the user watches the recordings, the hours attended information is updated correctly as well as the attendance status - even on events where the attendance status was updated correctly for the users who watched the live webinar. 

There is nothing different in the set up of these ILT courses, yet we have such inconsistency with our ability to have the event attendance status reported correctly. Does anyone else see this? Is there maybe a step we are missing in our set up that would make this data update correctly or is our thought on how the event attendance status being updated automatically not correct?

Appreciate any feedback you all have to share!

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6 replies

Loretta Rountree
Novice I

We had a similar experience and reduced the time percentage of webinar attendance which helped some.  Another factor may be if the user looses connectivity for the webinar Zoom session and logs back in.  We are unable to determine if the timer restarts or continues from the time the connection was broken.


Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 165 replies
  • March 27, 2024

Interesting.. There must be different options for zoom vs teams, we don’t use zoom.  I have not seen an option where you can set a % of webinar attended.

With our teams integration it marks attended as soon as you join, and those that don’t stay at not set. They do not get marked auto absent.

May you share some screenshots of where you have configured this 65% of webinar must be completed? 

Jason Kocur
Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 62 replies
  • March 27, 2024

Thank you for sharing this. We are finally launching Zoom V3 with our Docebo LMS setup after months of testing. I’m launching an admin training on the new features in two weeks and can further test this as well. 

We did see some issues with Zoom V2 in late January Early February with a similar issue occurring, although it was not related to percentage set. 

According to the knowledge base articles, if users lose their connection, Docebo is still supposed to count the time towards their completion when they re-enter the course. 

I reported the same issue with Zoom/Docebo ILT time tracking a couple of weeks ago. The Docebo tech told me via email that the process of investigating my ticket showed the Docebo team a bug in the system. I chose to manually update my attendees for that ILT event.😫 I was glad that the Docebo team seemed invested in getting to the bottom of the issue.

Thanks to all for sharing your experiences. Here’s a few snips of our set up - - - 

Here’s an event where things worked well  - the event setup with the options marked for attendance and the related event attendance record where the attendance status populated correctly based on the amount of time attended (hours attended was auto populated from the Zoom webinar info)

Event setup

Then we have this course/event - - same set up, but the event attendance status put everyone at absent


@Christi Phillips  We too have manually updated the event attendance status, but with a couple of these webinars a week with around a 100 people in each one it just gets tedious and when we can see the process work as expected at times and then not for no obvious reason it’s a little frustrating. We too have reported this to support, at the beginning the issue was twofold we weren’t getting the hours attended info from Zoom regularly and then the attendance status issue. Support too told us about a bug and if I remember correctly it was resolved. We have seen the hours attended info working well since then, just not the update to the attendance status. 


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