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Course Status Not Matching Certification Status


Hi All, I’ve noticed some inconsistencies when it comes to how the Course and Certification statuses speak to each other and are presented within the platform.

We launched our LMS in September and have noticed that when a Certification comes due, the Course does not update back to Not Started but stays as Completed even though they’re expired. This has created confusion for users, managers, executives, and administrators. This creates the impression that a user is fully compliant (showing complete on all courses), when in fact they could be expired on a large amount of required learning courses (certifications), but their Activity report would not update to reflect that. Making the My Activity/My Activities sections largely inaccurate.

I’ve attached a photo below of an example of what a user would see on their desktop home page in our platform. (showing expired on a Certification, but fully compliant on Courses)

Another example of this is within the users My Activities page. When in the Statistics section it gives the same impression that a user is fully compliant. The same goes for the Courses section of the My Activities page, which is extremely problematic as that is the section most managers/supervisors are checking straight from the My Teams section of the platform, giving a false impression of compliance on their team members.

This is a huge issue for our company as maintaining compliance for safety sensitive positions is imperative. I’m sure we aren’t the only ones needing to see a change in this area of the system. Any feedback/thoughts??

Much appreciated! 



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@vwatson When the user clicks on the “renew” button the course(s) enrollment is archived, and the user is reenrolled. We use the task widget with only certifications on a separate page for clarity. There are several nuances with Certification and Retraining that are not intuitive. We have dealt with that by providing a renewal journey picture with steps and warnings regarding the necessity of clicking the renew button to start and impact of clicking the renew button more than once.  Also on this page, we include a catalog of the training associated with renewal so they users can easily continue training if it is not completed in one session. 

As for the My Activity widget, I don’t use it. It takes up a lot of space and is not interactive. Plus, as you pointed out is myopic, only a reflection of course status without consideration of anything else on the platform. 

I’m curious, why don’t you have renew buttons in your certification task widget? Mine looks like this.


Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 105 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Hi @vwatson , I have the same problem that you have. the information posted by @dianex.gomez does not solve your question. In one widget the course is completed, but in the certification widget appeared “Expired”. It´s a bit confuse. And it´s not possible to filter in the certification widget the certification only expired or close to expire. The best solution is the possibility to have the course status “enrolled” (archive the status completed” and the certification “expired”.




Helper III
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  • June 5, 2024

They have to click renew. ANother onion in the ointment is that you can not have one course for obtaining a certification and another for renewing it. Or a combination of courses to renew. 

Jessica Tart
Helper II

Honestly, we don’t use the Certification functionality at all for compliance courses because it requires the learner to click ‘renew’ to enroll themselves in the new course. If they don’t do this, then they will never get enrolled into the new course. I also don’t know how you time replacing the course content when learners can click renew at any time.


For compliance courses, we need to be in control of re-enrolling users into courses. We currently create a new course each year and directly enroll users. We haven’t played with the archive enrollments functionality yet, but I don’t think it’d be extremely helpful since the content changes every year anyways and it’s almost easier to create a new course.

Helper II
  • Helper II
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  • June 5, 2024
Jessica Tart wrote:

Honestly, we don’t use the Certification functionality at all for compliance courses because it requires the learner to click ‘renew’ to enroll themselves in the new course. If they don’t do this, then they will never get enrolled into the new course. I also don’t know how you time replacing the course content when learners can click renew at any time.


For compliance courses, we need to be in control of re-enrolling users into courses. We currently create a new course each year and directly enroll users. We haven’t played with the archive enrollments functionality yet, but I don’t think it’d be extremely helpful since the content changes every year anyways and it’s almost easier to create a new course.

If you have a fill courses, no problem, but if you have a lot of , it´s a problem. 

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  • June 6, 2024

@dianex.gomez  thanks for your comment on this topic. It sounds like some of your solutions are things we also have implemented, however don’t solve the issue of the Courses and Certifications not aligning with each other and the confusion that causes. 

We do have Renew buttons available, our widget is just longer on that one so it was cropped out!


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  • June 6, 2024

@msantos thanks for sharing your perspective. It sounds like you’ve had similar struggles in your use case within Docebo and are still working on a bit of a work-around to get it to function cleaner yourself. I like what you’ve done here to filter it, but like you mentioned the confusion would still be prominent within reporting as well. 

Helper II
  • Helper II
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  • June 6, 2024

Hi @vwatson , this Docebo functionality to link a course with a certification, does not work well. When the certification expired, the course will be expire too. In this case, the course status and certification status will be the same.

  • Influencer III
  • 37 replies
  • June 6, 2024

This has been an interesting thread to follow.  We have experienced no end of troubles with courses with a certification linked with incorrect dates being displayed due to manual override - an issue we inherited.  i am curious to know an dunderstand if a user is enrolled into a course by a direct manager and therefore does not click the renew now button, will that enrolment mimic the process of resetting the date and expiry in Certifications like if the user had clicked the renew now button.  In other words, must a user follow through via the renew now button, or would alternative pathways still trigger the same response.

Lisa C.
Contributor III
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  • June 6, 2024

I am using Docebo for a lot of compliance work- OSHA, DOT HMR, Sexual Harassment, etc.  I was sold on Docebo by their ability to handle these things with expirations and requirements to retake the same course to renew a certification.  From what I’m seeing, it seems very clunky and not great.  They need to make a course status called “Expired” to handle this better for everyone when it’s time to renew (and still keep the archived completion date tracking).  I am not looking forward to my first round of users with expired certs.

Create an "Expired" enrollment status for courses and LPs | Community (

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  • June 6, 2024

@Suzy_q Unfortunately, the only way to receive a new completion date for taking a certification is to click Renew Now. Otherwise they are taking the course again without being given credit.

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  • June 7, 2024

@Jessica Tart  @dianex.gomez  @msantos  @Davefox  @Lisa C.  @Suzy_q  I’ve created an idea post on this, please check it out and upvote! 

Merge Certification and Courses into one Functionality

  • Novice II
  • 17 replies
  • June 21, 2024

@vwatson Thanks for the idea creation! Will give it an upvote. We have the same issues.


@Lisa C. same here on the seilling of Docebo using certifications and etc to renew, along with the archive and re-enroll working with that function. It does not, at all. The renew now button has that functionality, but we have that hidden so they dont go down with Alice in a rabbit hole and renew constantly. HM126F and etc are not dates to show incorrectly between certification, certificate, and course completion when an inspector shows up. We have resulted in manual tracking of these (yay!).


@dianex.gomez We use CSS to hide the renew now button to prevent learners from compiling too many certifications is too short a time span. 


The main issue is its a one way communication. Courses can issue certifications, but the certifications portion/widget cannot do any communication back to courses. Not to mention learning plan integrations. 

Add in issues with archiving courses or API imports and it gets way not better. 

Good luck all on a fix!

Lisa C.
Contributor III
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  • June 21, 2024

@zcrowe I did my HMR/HM126 as a certification on a Learning Plan. It’s also annoying that the certificate is totally separate (Docebo needs to be subjected to a DOT audit, haha). I am fearing the day in about two years when it’s time for people to start renewing in the platform. Hopefully, by then, there will be a more user-friendly fix. I have a certification report running monthly to keep an eye on it in the meantime.   


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