Hi All, I’ve noticed some inconsistencies when it comes to how the Course and Certification statuses speak to each other and are presented within the platform.
We launched our LMS in September and have noticed that when a Certification comes due, the Course does not update back to Not Started but stays as Completed even though they’re expired. This has created confusion for users, managers, executives, and administrators. This creates the impression that a user is fully compliant (showing complete on all courses), when in fact they could be expired on a large amount of required learning courses (certifications), but their Activity report would not update to reflect that. Making the My Activity/My Activities sections largely inaccurate.
I’ve attached a photo below of an example of what a user would see on their desktop home page in our platform. (showing expired on a Certification, but fully compliant on Courses)
Another example of this is within the users My Activities page. When in the Statistics section it gives the same impression that a user is fully compliant. The same goes for the Courses section of the My Activities page, which is extremely problematic as that is the section most managers/supervisors are checking straight from the My Teams section of the platform, giving a false impression of compliance on their team members.
This is a huge issue for our company as maintaining compliance for safety sensitive positions is imperative. I’m sure we aren’t the only ones needing to see a change in this area of the system. Any feedback/thoughts??
Much appreciated!