Short version discussion prompt: How do you say no / how do you explain to people when they believe they should be a Superadmin with all the powers, instead of a PowerUser with some powers?
Long version: My organization made the switch to Docebo late 2019 and since then I’ve run into a group of people in that are upset that they are not all-powerful Superadmins. In our old system, either you were a normal user or had admin abilities, no middle ground. This led to a huge mess when it came to course organization, consistency in general, and high enrollments with low completion. Now with Docebo, I’m happy that there are shades of gray. Cue the Rolling Stones: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need.”
Then there are the people who want to be Superadmins because they think they need more authority because of that one thing that popped up once that they couldn’t do.
I try to explain to them that, as Power User, they can do everything that they need to do in the system on a regular basis, and if an exception comes up that is outside of their authority, just reach out to a Superadmin and we can help! Then I get the “But I won’t break anything!” and the “Do you not trust me?” If pushed, I’ll lean on the compliance or regulatory aspects of our industry, but I feel like I’m missing a easier route than the legal cop-out.
So what do you say? Do you get pushback too?