Wanted to share a little bit that was discovered on our platform about seeing a back button on pages that are linked from within the platform.
We have various pages linked from within our platform, and it was brought to our attention that some pages had a back button and others did not. After further investigation, we discovered that all the pages that were accessed via a custom content widget for some reason did not have a back button, while pages were accessed via linked image, or a link on an html widget did have a back button. See example below:

Turns out the issue is from using the full destination URL in the custom content widget. If the full destination URL was in the widget, the back button is not present on the page when accessed from that widget. If you use the relative url, (for example: “/learn/catalog/view/4”) in the custom content widget, you will see the back button on the page that you are navigated to.
I have a support ticket open about possibly getting this fixed, as it seems as though the back button should always be present, but wanted to share with you all in case you are using the custom content widget to navigate users between pages in your platform.