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July 2022: Session/Event Filters for ILT, Course & Session Additional Fields, Follow Channels and more!

July 2022: Session/Event Filters for ILT, Course & Session Additional Fields, Follow Channels and more!

Summer is halfway over…


Neither can I, Betty, neither can I! BUT I will say that I absolutely love fall. For me, fall means fairs. Fairs mean cotton candy. Cotton candy brings smiles. Smiles means happiness. I love being happy!


So, what is making us all happy this month? Let’s dive into this month's release! 


Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll find inside this Release Roundup:

  • Session / Event type filters for ILT courses in Course Management

  • Mark Course & Session Additional Fields as mandatory

  • Follow Channels

  • Mobile: Support the File Repository Area widget

  • Mobile: Video Asset Playback in the asset overview page

  • Active / Not Active User Filter

  • Dashboard Widget Guides

  • Questionnaires as Training Materials



Session/Event type filters for ILT courses in Course Management

There are three new filters now available for Session / Events:

  • Sessions / Events having only physical events

  • Sessions / Events with only virtual events

  • Sessions / Events having mixed physical and virtual events


In addition to the new filters, we have made some small updates to the Administrator side when creating multiple events to eliminate the need to switch back and forth between sessions and events.


Mark Course & Session Additional Fields as mandatory

Now we really are living the good life…or, in my case, likely pressing submit a lot more. No more trying to get that session across the line without completing those required fields. Superadmins can now set additional fields to mandatory when creating sessions. 




No cheating! This applies when creating new sessions in the platform and through session creation via CSV.


💡Special thanks to@Shanon for submitting this idea and to all those that voted!



Follow Channels

I am stoked about this one! Learners can now follow channels and get notifications when new content is added or when there is a new question/response associated with the channel. Glorious! does it all work? 


You will now see a new FOLLOW button at the top of all channels.



Now, as an Administrator, you can configure the notifications related to Followed Channels and, when you do, a new bell icon will appear to the user. This will provide the user the option of choosing which type of notifications they wish to receive: 

  • All Notifications: they will receive a notification every time new content is added to the channel.

  • Digest: they will receive a single notification with a summary of the new content added to the channels you follow. Note that the frequency of your digest notifications is configurable (i.e. hourly, daily, weekly or monthly).

  • None: they will not receive any notification. One may then question why follow, but…well, I won’t ask. 


Get the creative juices flowing under Manage > Notification:

Go on, get creative! 


🌟 Quick tip: By default this option is on. If for some reason you don’t want to offer this feature, check out this post, CSS to hide Follow Channel functionality, from the one and only@Marco.T ​​​​​​.


Go.Learn Android App now available in China 

The Docebo Go.Learn app is now available in the following mobile app stores:

  • Huawei AppGallery

  • Oppo Software Store

  • Tencent My App

  • MIUI ADo Store

  • V-Appstore (coming soon!)





A few things that you need to know: 

  • In order to leverage the Docebo Go.Learn app in China, you must have the Docebo Firewall Solution enabled.

  • There is no support for push notifications + in-app messages.

  • Discover, Coach & Share is not available. 

  • The update cycle can be slower, therefore, there is a chance that the mobile app that is available in China will be one version behind. 

  • We cannot collect analytical data in Firebase.


Mobile: Support for File Repository Area widget

Courses often have additional files associated with them, such as exercise files, that provide a lot of value; these additional files can now be accessed from the mobile app.


The most common file types, such as PDFs, images, and links will be opened directly in the app; others can be downloaded. 







Update dashboard to include / exclude inactive users

Inactive users can now be included or excluded at the dashboard level and widget level.



Improved user experience

We have improved the user experience by introducing some guides to help move widgets with ease! Moving widgets is not new… but users have been struggling with it. We want to relieve those struggles so we are introducing guides on the move and release magic.




DLI questionnaire as Training Material in the LMS

This one is a big deal and we can’t wait to shout it out in the Release Roundup so you can start increasing those response rates!


We all know that a high response rate ensures that your results are representative of your target sample and that your questionnaire is performing as intended. By making your questionnaire part of the overall course, there is no chance it will be left behind. Complete the questionnaire, complete the course.


The user experience couldn't be easier. Inside the course, they will find the DLI questionnaire as part of the lessons and, based on your course set up (mandatory | not mandatory), once they complete the questionnaire and all the mandatory training materials, they will be marked complete. It is like fishing 🎣 with a flashlight 🔦…only totally allowed so it is not like that at all!!  I take it back.  




Picture it - before a course is complete, feedback is submitted! You can now add the DLI questions directly to the training material and if it isn’t completed, well neither is the course.


📚  Want to learn more?

Here’s a list of resources available to you for the June 2022 Release:



 📢  We want to hear from you!

Which update(s) are you most excited about? Do you have any ideas or plans to use these updates? Share with us in the comments below 👇👇👇


🤓 Give me the details

For those of you interested in the all the nitty gritty, here’s all that’s changing in this month’s release:



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Mandatory additional fields for courses and sessions

It is now possible to set additional fields as mandatory for courses and sessions, to ensure a consistent filtering experience for users in catalogs and in the My Courses and Learning Plans page, and help Superadmins and Power Users to properly classify courses. All of the existing additional fields will be automatically set as non-mandatory, not to alter the current settings. Learn more on the additional fields for courses.


Enhanced filtering options for ILT (Instructor-Led Training) courses

Filter sessions and events of ILT (Instructor-Led Training) courses more effectively according to their attendance type, both as a Superadmin in the Course Management area, and as a learner in the Course Catalog page. Learn more on ILT sessions.


Set the enrollment validity for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses

You can now configure a validity period for the enrollments of ILT courses. If the enrollment validity period is set, the enrolled users will have visibility of the course only during the selected period. After the deadline, users will still view the course tile on their platforms, but they will no longer be able to access it and a lock icon will be displayed on the course card. This enhancement aligns the behavior of ILT courses with the behavior of e-learning courses.


Language selection available for the acceptance of the conditions of use and for the password reset

Users can now select a language among the platform’s active languages when the platform prompts them to accept the Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy and/or the Terms & Conditions, as well as when resetting their password. Thanks to this enhancement, the users created by Superadmins, with user provisioning, or not allowed to change their language because of their platform configuration, will be able to see the conditions of use in a language different from the platform default language, or from the language the Superadmin set for them.


Comments in tests shown only when users actually provide answers

When using automatic comments in tests, please note that now they are only shown when the user has actually provided an answer for the Text Entry, Fill In the Blanks and Association question types.


Power Users’ permissions for the File Repository Area widget

For those using the File Repository Area widget in conjunction with the Power Users app, when the Allow normal users to upload files is not selected, only Power Users with the Course / Edit permission can now create folders, upload files and link URLs in the widget.


Follow channels

For those using Discover, Coach & Share, starting from this monthly release, you will be able to follow custom channels, and receive the related notifications if configured by your Administrator. As an option, you can set the Channels widget to only display followed channels. Learn more on how to follow channels.


Disable public playlists

For those using Discover, Coach & Share, starting from this monthly release, you can prevent users from creating public playlists from desktop and mobile. To do so, disable the Playlist Visibility option in the Discover, Coach & Share settings.


BambooHR integration

A new integration for BambooHR is now available, allowing you to facilitate the synchronization of user accounts stored in BambooHR with the Docebo platform, providing near real-time control over access to your platform from a single system.


Endpoint for the management of bundles no longer available

As communicated on April 26, 2022, for those the POST /learn/v1/sub_bundle/{bundle_id}/item API, please note that this endpoint is no longer available. A new endpoint has been created to support the association of multiple items for the same bundle in the same payload: POST /learn/v1/sub_bundle/{bundle_id}/items.


Go.Learn Version 4.7.0 and Branded Mobile App Version 4.7.0 are here!

In this update, the following new features and enhancements have been added to the mobile app:

  • For those using Discover, Coach & Share, now you are able to follow the channels you are interested in, and then find them listed in the Followed Channels page. As an option, you can set the Channels widget to only display followed channels.

  • For those using Discover, Coach & Share, now you can play video assets directly from the Overview tab, instead of having to open them in fullscreen. This allows you to read details and description of the asset while watching the video.   

  • The File Repository Area course widget is now available also for mobile! Your learners can open the files you added as supplementary course content directly from the widget on their apps or they can download them on their devices. More info on how to configure this widget in your courses. 

  • We have conducted A/B testing on the option asking users to keep them logged in after signing into their mobile app. Version A was the Keep me logged in checkbox on the sign in page (already existing), while version B was a new window opening after the user taps on the Sign In button. We have analyzed the results of the testing and version B increased the adoption of the feature by 62%, so we have decided to hear your voice and adopt version B for all customers, making available to all of you a more intuitive way to set the option.

  • For those using the branded mobile app and publishing the app on the Apple App Store or via a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system, please note that in order to be able to re-sign and then publish your branded mobile app from version 4.7.0 onwards, you need to download and execute the new version of the script. This file is also attached to the Re-signing the .ipa chapter of the Re-signing and Publishing the Branded Mobile App KB article.

  • For those using the branded mobile app on iOS devices, you can activate the demo mode allowing users to discover the app key features while logged in as demo users. When in the demo mode, users don’t need to have an account in Docebo, as required by Apple’s App Store Review Guidelines 5.1.1 (v).

Furthermore, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience.




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Improved experience for custom dashboards

This release is dedicated to custom dashboards. You can now filter the data shown in your dashboards according to the user status (active, inactive, or both) both at dashboard and at widget level. Learn more about dashboards.


⚠️ Heads up! Some changes coming your way


OGM file type no longer supported for webinar recordings starting from the end of August

Starting on August 24, 2022, the OGM file type — currently supported in the platform for assignments training material and for webinar recordings — will no longer be supported for webinar recordings.

Did this post help you find an answer to your question?

17 replies

Influencer II
  • Influencer II
  • 32 replies
  • July 29, 2022

@HawleyKane, I see the ‘Follow Channels’ option on our platform, but NOT the notification type for ‘New Content in a Followed Channel.’ Our company does not have the Discover Coach and Share Add-on but, per the monthly updates webinar, that should not be needed for these notifications to be enabled. Can you assist?

Hero III

Sooooooo excited for mandatory additional fields!!!! Will make our lives so much easier, as we have a number of users creating courses and we need to have certain fields filled out. 

  • Author
  • Former Docebian
  • 173 replies
  • July 29, 2022

Hi @abaumgard absolutely let me see what I can do. Thank you for reaching out. @Marco.T and I will look into it for you. 

Happy weekend! 

Influencer II
  • Influencer II
  • 32 replies
  • July 29, 2022

Thank you, @HawleyKane 

  • Author
  • Former Docebian
  • 173 replies
  • July 29, 2022

@Annarose.Peterson Yes!!  I feel that. Don’t tell anyone, but I am a little jealous. I wish all platforms let you do that. <cough cough> Some know how much I wish this was true 😉

Happy weekend!

  • Novice II
  • 6 replies
  • August 1, 2022

Seems like good updates. However, the follow button in the channels widget would be great to keep optional. We use the channels widget to present content on the landing page for a very tight and set curriculum, and for this particular use-case we dont really need the “Follow” functionality and the added visual clutter. The brand we work for is extremely minimalist and has very strict design guidelines.

  • Novice II
  • 6 replies
  • August 1, 2022
abaumgard wrote:

@HawleyKane, I see the ‘Follow Channels’ option on our platform, but NOT the notification type for ‘New Content in a Followed Channel.’ Our company does not have the Discover Coach and Share Add-on but, per the monthly updates webinar, that should not be needed for these notifications to be enabled. Can you assist?

Exactly the same over here!

Helper I

So I’m testing the “follow channels” notification feature, and it does not appear to be working.  I customized the notification and it is turned on.  I followed a channel.  I clicked the bell icon and chose “all notifications.”  I then added an asset to that channel, but I never received the notifcation.

Helper I

Also - we have certain channels visible to our internal instance and other channels visible to our external, customer-facing instance.  These are branded differently.  Is there a way to have different notifications for the channels either by branch or by channel?

  • Docebian
  • 286 replies
  • August 2, 2022

Hello ,  I’m Marco, Product Manager for the follow channel functionality

About the problem faced by @abaumgard , the notification not appearing in the list of available ones, we are aware of the issue and we are preparing a fix for it, it will be released next Wednesday, the 10th of August.

About the notification set up but not working @maryanneharrison  can you please contact Support, they will help you in fixing the issue

@Stadig , we received the request of making follow channel optional by configuration by also other customers, would be great to open an Idea to get voted, in this way we can prioritize the request if several customers are asking for it

Thanks for your interest in channels,




Contributor III
  • Contributor III
  • 34 replies
  • August 3, 2022

I love the “Follow Channel” option and notification. 


Question, as an admin, is there a way to run a report to see which users follow which channels? 

  • Influencer I
  • 32 replies
  • August 4, 2022

I’m personally a bit disappointed with the Session/Event type filters for ILT courses, more specifically how this is configured for learners in the course catalog.

I would have expected this filter on the main course catalog page, as a subfilter for course type, so that you first select the type of course (ILT) as filter and then you can choose the session attendance types. In this way, you would receive a selection of all ILT courses in the course catalog that are full onsite, full online, flexible or blended.

Instead, you have to click on a specific ILT course and then in the sessions tab you can use this specific filter. So you can only use this filter on course level and not in the full catalog. 

Jessica Tart
Helper II

Can you separate it by domain (extended enterprise) when setting an additional course or session field as mandatory?

Jessica Tart
Helper II

Hi There! I have a few questions regarding the new training material DLI questionnaire functionality for eLearning courses.

  • For the DLI training material functionality, how do I get the xAPI URL? 
  • Also, if the learner completes the survey via the training material, will the system remember that they completed the survey if they also try to complete it from the notification area? 
  • When adding this survey to a course shell of a learning plan, I am assuming you need to create a new course shell for every learning plan you add a survey to? 
  • Why would a learning plan need to be all eLearning when adding a course shell to use the xAPI survey functionality? 
  • How do you make the survey optional in a course? Do you have to set a different training material as an end object marker?


Influencer II
  • Influencer II
  • 32 replies
  • August 11, 2022
Marco.T wrote:

Hello ,  I’m Marco, Product Manager for the follow channel functionality

About the problem faced by @abaumgard , the notification not appearing in the list of available ones, we are aware of the issue and we are preparing a fix for it, it will be released next Wednesday, the 10th of August.

About the notification set up but not working @maryanneharrison  can you please contact Support, they will help you in fixing the issue

@Stadig , we received the request of making follow channel optional by configuration by also other customers, would be great to open an Idea to get voted, in this way we can prioritize the request if several customers are asking for it

Thanks for your interest in channels,




Hello @Marco.T, I still do not see this notification on our end, and it is now 8/11 (the day after the release was to be pushed). Do you have an update on this? Thanks.

Novice II
  • Novice II
  • 64 replies
  • January 20, 2023

When will the DLI questionnaire as training material option be available for custom domains?

Hi @Allan and thanks for your question. I’m Giulio Azzalin, Product Manager of DLI. I'm happy to inform you that it has already been included in our roadmap. However, at this time, I don't have a specific ETA for its availability. We are actively working to ensure that this option will be integrated during the next months.
Thanks again for you interest in Docebo Learning impact


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