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Docebo Glossary: User and Content Related Terms

  • November 23, 2021
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Check out this handy guide for more details on user and content related Docebo terminology :nerd:


User Related


Branches: Branches allow you to structure your learners in a way that is similar to your company's organizational chart, creating static folders that you can upload learners into. Branches can be arranged in many ways beyond just a traditional organizational chart such as by location, region or franchises, just to name a few. 


Sub-Branches: Sub-branches can be created by selecting a new branch, then inserting a folder within that branch. This allows your branches to increase in their granularity (i.e. Continent Region Providence Department). 


Groups: Groups are useful whenever there is a set of users with characteristics that are different than those determining the branches of the organization chart. They allow automated sorting based on additional fields that you create within the platform as well as other conditions such as branches. For example, if you have two Directors who live in different branches (i.e. Sales and Marketing), but both need leadership training, you could create a Directors Group where both those users could leave, to automate the content they see as leaders. You can create groups manually, or using automatic rules. 


User: The majority of people who access your platform will likely be users. A user is a level that has basic permissions. Users are able to attend courses and learning plans, they can view training materials but cannot manage any platform app, feature and setting, nor the Admin Menu. 


Power User: Power Users are users who need to perform specific management operations or oversee specific user groups or courses in the platform, and, for this reason, they are given a specific subset of the Super Admin’s permissions. Power Users can access the Admin Menu from the gear icon, but their menu will be limited based on their specific set of granted permissions. 


Super Admin: Super Admins are able to manage every aspect of the platform. They have visibility of all apps, features, and settings. There is no way to limit a Super Admin’s permissions within the system. They are able to access any area of the platform from the gear icon in the top right corner of the platform, which grants them access to the Admin Menu. You likely will have only one or a handful of Super Admins. 


Active User: An “Active User” in Docebo is a user that logs into the platform and accesses  an asset (i.e. watches a video, opens a course), over a given 30 day billing period. 


Custom Additional Fields: User additional fields allow you to collect information about your users, besides the standard data needed for user creation (Username, Name, Surname, E-mail, User Level). Additional fields can be either filled by the platform administrator or by the users themselves. 



Content Related


Training Material (formerly Learning Objects): The terms Training Material and the legacy term “Learning Object” are the consumable pieces of content that a user interacts  with inside a formal learning Course. These include Videos, PDFs, SCORM Packages, Tests,  Surveys and several other types. Training Materials can be added to the Central Repository  and reused in multiple courses. One item to note is due to the impact of updating the naming conventions via our APIs you will often see “LO” (learning object) referenced prominently in our API browser.


Course: Courses are containers for learning objects (Elearning courses) or sessions  (ILT/Webinar Courses). Learning objects can be placed in a sequence with prerequisites. A  user may enroll to a course in order to view training materials or attend a session. A user  cannot enroll to a training material. 


Sessions & Events: A session is where users enroll within an ILT course. A session  contains events, which are date/time for the session. You can have multiple events and  require that someone attend all or some of the events within the session they’re enrolled  in.  


Learning Plan: Learning Plans are collections of courses intended to be taken together  like a curriculum. Learning Plans may contain E-learning, ILT, and Webinar courses.  Learning Plans may be configured with prerequisites so that courses must be completed in  a defined order.  


Catalog: Catalogs are a way of grouping courses and learning plans under a specific topic  or for visibility to a certain audience. The courses and learning plans that an end user is  allowed to see is determined by the catalog(s) the user has been granted visibility to by the  admins. Catalogs are how users browse and self-enrol into courses.  


Category: Categories are a way for admins to hierarchically organize and manage courses  within the LMS. They can be created within course management and appear in Course Management, Central Repository. You also have the option to turn these on as a catalog filter. They can be helpful so that Admins can limit Power User permissions to courses within a certain  category to prevent them from modifying courses that aren’t relevant to the Power User.  End Users will not see the category tree unless the option is enabled to show categories as  a filter option on pages. 


Channel: Channels show informal Coach & Share assets if you are a Discover Coach and Share customer as well as Courses/Learning plans that  a user is enrolled to. 


Asset: Assets are informal, user-uploaded content that can be uploaded to Channels  when Discover, Coach & Share is enabled. These may include links, documents, videos and  other items. Assets are considered informal learning materials because they are not part of  formal courses. Assets cannot be added to the Central Repository (CLOR).  


Pages: Pages are how users interact with the platform. Docebo provides several built-in  pages but are mostly admin-generated Widget Pages which can display profile information,  a feed of the user’s visible catalogs or channels, earned badges, links to other pages, and  many other things using out-of-the-box or custom widgets. Pages can be accessed from  the menu in the upper left-hand corner of the LMS. 


Menus: Menus are a collection of pages that the user can access when they log into the  LMS. Menu items can include external links, built-in pages and admin-created widget  pages. A user may only have access to a page if it has been added to that user’s assigned  menu. The user menu can be found in the upper left-hand corner of the LMS. 

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