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Monthly Release

[AUGUST 2023] Monthly Release: Dashboards, Shapes, and Flows

Related products:Learning Management - SkillsLearning Management - Mobile LearningAuthoring
[AUGUST 2023] Monthly Release: Dashboards, Shapes, and Flows


Happy August, everyone!


Here’s a super-random fact: As long as it’s not a leap year, no other month will begin on the same day of the week as August. This year, August 1st was on a Tuesday and no other month starts on a Tuesday.


Weird? Cool? Who knows. But maybe it can help you out at your next trivia night. 


Here’s another one: August is traditionally stuffed full of exciting Docebo product releases. And this year is no exception. 


Let’s dive in:





Usage Dashboard Improvements

This month, we’re adding some big improvements to the dashboard. And we’re not talking about a phone holder or pine-scented air freshener. These are the features coming to your dashboard:


Audit trail events. The audit trail now keeps track of a few additional behaviors. The following events related to the Usage Dashboard are tracked in the Audit Trail, and you can filter them in the Usage Dashboard section:

  • User accessed Usage Dashboard
  • User downloaded Active Users report CSV with clear information


The Dashboard now opens in an iframe instead of a new page. If you’re anything like me, you have too many browser tabs open. This update will help. When you open the Usage Dashboard, you’ll now go directly to that page in the LMS instead of having to open a new browser tab. Sometimes the simplest fixes are the best.


Skills will now behave consistently across mobile and desktop. Users can no longer incorrectly modify their skills on mobile. This applies specifically to situations where SKILLS integration mode is enabled.



Superadmins can disable auto-tagging of training materials

Auto-tagging is great…when you want it. But when you don’t, tags can clog global search results and lead to additional work. We also heard your feedback about occasional glitches with the auto-generated tags and are working on some fixes. 


To address these issues, Superadmins can now enable and disable the auto-tagger functionality on Training Materials and Informal Assets. Superadmins can find this new option in Advanced Settings. Easy-peasy!

Shoutout to our Community for this one! Keep sharing your suggestions.


Increased skills per learner from 10 to 50

For the average innovative superstar team-player learner, ten skills (or ten adjectives) just isn’t enough.


So we quintupled it.


That’s right: Learners can now have up to 50 skills! So add rockstar, ninja, closer, and several dozen new ones to the list.



Skills API improvements

We’ve added a set of batch operations to handle the synchronization of skills from third parties like Workday. This is an important prerequisite for Workday example recipes, so stay tuned for more news on those in the coming months. In the meantime, feel free to check out the skill service in your API explorer to leverage the new endpoint functionality.



GoLearn: Support skills in integration mode

If you have the SKILLS integration enabled, users will no longer be able to incorrectly modify their skills on the mobile app. This standardizes the behavior between all platforms. 



GoLearn: Rendering of original gamification badge icon

Gamification badges should now display properly (and beautifully!) on mobile devices. Gold star ⭐







Enhanced course import flow

Did you know that the majority of admins import content from the marketplace directly into a Docebo LMS course? Well, we did! With this new update, we’ve moved this most commonly used option to the first spot in the course import list, making it quicker and easier to do the work you do most. 


We’ve also tightened up some of the language and added the ability to categorize content during the import flow, streamlining the implementation of the content that you love to use.







Create Shapes from scratch

Take the AI powers of Shape into your own hands with this newest update. In this release, content creators can create new Shapes without a link or document prompt, while still leveraging the AI features like auto-generated voiceovers, translations, and more. 



Three new Baltic languages added to the Shape Translation system

You asked, we listened! Now, you can support an even greater number of global learners by automating Shape translations into Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian with this new update.






All e-learning training material types are now enabled

Last month, we began rolling out functionality for Flow that would let learning materials be viewed directly in the flow interface instead of forcing learners to open a new window. Wistia was the last platform we were rolling this feature out for, and it is now available 🥳







Salesforce: Workflow rules and process builder updates

Salesforce has created a new tool called Flow (not to be confused with Docebo Flow!). And there’s good news and bad news.


The good news is that this tool is designed to help automate business processes.


The bad news is that Salesforce is blocking the ability to create new workflow rules and processes, which will impact you, Docebo customer, as you won’t be able to create new workflows if you haven’t activated the integration to the latest version.  


In order to keep your workflows and process builders operating correctly, you’ll need to activate your Salesforce integration to the latest version following the steps in the Knowledge Base


This new Salesforce tool will now automate business processes in a no-code/low-code approach, and will provide the following improvements: :

  • We’ve streamlined the experience by removing deprecated processes
  • We’ve fixed several annoying bugs related to Learning Plan % calculations
  • We’ve significantly improved the performance of synchronization operations


So it turns out, going with the Flow might be pretty good!




📚  Want to learn more?

Here’s a list of resources available to you for the August 2023 Release:




 📢  We want to hear from you!

Which update(s) are you most excited about? Do you have any ideas or plans to use these updates? Share with us in the comments below 👇👇👇


🤓 Give me the details

For those of you interested in the all the nitty gritty, here’s all that’s changing in this month’s release:




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Improvements to the Usage Dashboard

Since the release of the new Usage Dashboard, we have collected your feedback in the Community, and this release includes some improvements to this feature coming from your suggestions:

  • The Usage Dashboard now opens directly in Docebo Learn, keeping the dashboard in the same context and reducing the number of open tabs
  • We have started enhancing the data tracked in the Active Users Report file downloadable from the dashboard and provided details of the data included in the file in Docebo Help
  • We are now tracking the access and the requests for download of the Active Users Report in the new Audit Trail
  • We have reworded the de-anonymized terminology to improve clarity in the Dashboard and emails


Disable the auto-tagging feature

It is now possible to disable the AI-powered automatic association of content with tags and skills.


Select course category when importing content from the marketplace

For those using the Content Marketplace, you can now select the course management category where content will be imported as a course.


Username field no longer editable when the Use Email as Username option is active

As communicated on July 10, 2023, when the Use Email as Username option is active in the platform Advanced Settings menu, the Username field will be disabled in the Users menu to prevent changing its value to anything different than the user email.


Unused parameter removed for the GET /learn/v1/forum/getForumData API

For those using the GET /learn/v1/forum/getForumData API, please note that the current_session_id parameter is no longer available.


Go.Learn Version 5.8.1 and Branded Mobile App Version 5.8.1 are here!

In this update, you can find the following new features and enhancements:

Furthermore, as always, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.




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New languages for translations

You can now translate your Shapes into Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian, on top of the already supported languages.


Creating Shapes from scratch

For those using Shape, you can now build your own Shapes from scratch.



⚠️ Heads up for Learn

Changes to GET /learn/v1/instructor/getInstructorData API

For those using the endpoint GET /learn/v1/instructor/getInstructorData, after November 22, 2023, the following changes are applied to the behavior of the API call:

  • the values passed for the parameters course_id, user_id and session_id will be strictly validated, accepting only integer values
  • the status 1003 error message (Cannot find course with the passed ID) will be removed


⚠️ Heads up for Learn Data

Changes to Learn Data tables

For those using Learn Data, please note that starting from the end of October 2023, some changes to Learn Data tables will apply due to the introduction of DataLake v3. With the introduction of DataLake v3, you will benefit from near-real time raw data refresh. Moreover, you will be able to get only the delta updates thus saving time and bandwidth. The list of all changes is available on demand.



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4 replies

Thanks for this! Curious about the badge images in the app - I see them clearly in Go.learn but they are still pixelated in our Branded Mobile App - will those eventually match and we can have clear images in our branded app?

Influencer I
  • Influencer I
  • 36 replies
  • August 25, 2023

Thank you for this roundup! Now that there is the option to turn off auto-tagging with the toggle, what is the guidance for removing the mass of auto-tags that now exist in our system? Our search function has been impacted by the auto tags generated by Docebo and we need a way to batch clean them up. Documentation on this topic would be much appreciated!

kfortenb wrote:

Thank you for this roundup! Now that there is the option to turn off auto-tagging with the toggle, what is the guidance for removing the mass of auto-tags that now exist in our system? Our search function has been impacted by the auto tags generated by Docebo and we need a way to batch clean them up. Documentation on this topic would be much appreciated!

Well...thanks to Docebo apparently there is none and you need to do it manually yourself.
Best part is that you need to individually do it course by course 😫

  • Newcomer
  • 4 replies
  • August 31, 2023

@Adam Ballhaussen is there any comments on how the auto-disable tagging feature will affect existing tags, as stated we’ve been informed that there’s no way to remove them from existing courses in the platform.

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