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it’s great have these forums to find out about releases, post ideas, and share information.

When people send a reply I was wondering if it would be better to have the most recent replies at the top of the thread, rather than having to scroll past posts you’ve read before to see what’s been added - could just be me of course. What do you think ?

I believe once you get a thread going - you can choose to do that.

Look at the community introductions thread as an example.



Even after one post - it looks like it becomes available.

Here is my own post on this thread moments ago.


great, thanks @gstager  I can see that option here, I wonder if it can be applied to the Sandbox release thread, where for example there are 22 replies ?



Totally get what you’re saying. I think it just depends on how you’re engaging with the system. If you’re in here often and staying up to date on threads then you might only need the most recent. If you’re in here less often or joining a  thread late you may need or want the full story from the beginning, so making it newest on top by default would require scrolling to the bottom and reading posts from bottom to top. Feels like it’s 6 in one hand, half dozen in the other.  

I was noticing that the sorting feature was not available on the Ideas threads either.

Seems like just the Question/Conversation type threads…?

Agreed Greg @gstager and thanks @steveninfinger - may be I am here too often Steven? ! ? :relaxed:

@Stephen.Barton  :joy:  sometimes I feel like I am and sometimes I feel like there’s so much info to catch up on because I took a week off.
