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[UK] The Oliver McGowan eLearning from elfh

Helper I

Many of us have been sharing information about how to make use of the government mandated eLearning that has been created by elfh in Docebo. 

There have been two major issues: 

  1. elfh used a very old format (AICC) and they wrongly published their courses as AICC 4.1 (they are now correctly this to 4.0).
  2. There is a bug in Docebo that triggers an error on status flags that prevents the user progress being recorded in Doecbo. Docebo has identified the problem and it is planned to be fixed on 29 March. 

In the meantime there are some work around that were shared by @gigi galgoczi 

  1. One of them created a course with 2 training material: a HTML type of material embedding the e-lfh link (which completes as soon as the material loads in the course player) and another test type of training material with a file upload questions that instructs learners to upload their certificate from e-lfh. So the course only completes when this upload happens. (
  2. Another used a similar approach, but they uploaded the e-lfh files as AICC material (which never completes as you know), but added a test type of material with a couple of questions and a declaration confirming that the learner completed the course and they made this the end-object marker, so the course completes when this material is complete.


We will keep this post open to share when the fix is working and share any other info about the eLearning. I will start a new post to discuss the ILT part of the Oliver McGowan training which may also be of interest to many. 

Did this post help you find an answer to your question?

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Hi all, quick update on this. From Aimee’s original post, you can see that there were 2 issues with the e-lfh material: 

  1. elfh incorrectly written in the code version 4.1 for all material
  2. Docebo couldn’t handle the status flag that the e-lfh material passed to it. 

Regarding problem 1: 

  • e-lfh confirmed that not all of their material is published with the same method and those sessions that were created with another type of publisher work ok. So far I only found the Sepsis session working fine. 
  • They only corrected the version number on 1 material that they provided Docebo for testing to correct problem 2. I asked them to start correcting the version number on all of their other session material too, so by the time Docebo finds a resolution for problem 2, we are ready to go with all session material. - e-lfh responded to me that correcting all their material would take them weeks, if not months, so just wanted to make you aware that even when problem 2 is fixed this month, some session material may still not work until e-lfh corrects the version number.


Helper I
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  • March 29, 2023

eeek! Today’s the day. I’ve just heard back from support saying that the product team is working on the release as planned. It may be delayed as it is in the testing phase and they are waiting to hear back from the customer who first reported it. @gigi galgoczi that’s you right? 


Keep us posted. 

We are close! 🤞🏻

Influencer I
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  • March 30, 2023


I’ve just heard from Docebo support saying they have released a fix for this.  I’ve cleared cache and cookies and still getting these error message when accessing the Oliver McGowan Training…



When I click okay this message pops up…


I can access the content and complete it but nothing is registering on the Docebo side - any ideas?




Helper I
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  • March 30, 2023

Hi Ant - me too. I wonder if we have the correct file for the Oliver McGowan from elfh? 

I got my file from you so that may explain why it’s not working for us both. 

@gigi galgoczi is it working for you? I believe you are the customer case they were testing with.

If so can you please advise how to get the latest file or what the correct AICC URL is. I have found popping that into Storyline avoids the three nested folders that come with the pre-packaged file. I think it still has one layer of nesting. 




Influencer I
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  • March 30, 2023

Hi Aimee,


I’m not sure I was told by e-lfh that the AICC file they supplied was correct.

I’ve just sent a HAR file to Docebo to investigate further which shows the issue when launching the training.

Will keep you posted.



Helper I
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  • March 30, 2023

Hi @AntRich76 

The AICC link in the file you shared with me is:


This is the same that is available on the elfh portal here: which states it was last updated 29/11/2022.


So I don’t think this is the latest version that was republished as AICC 4.0.


@gigi galgoczi do you have a different link? 






Helper I
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  • March 31, 2023

Hi @AntRich76 and anyone else trying to get a working setup of the Oliver McGowan eLearning form elfh in Docebo…


Apparently elfh have update their template to reflect AICC 4.0 (previously it was incorrectly coded as 4.1 and this was part of the problem).


However, to get the courses to actually work the courses all need to be republished with the new template and that needs to be done by different content providers and authors. 

We are trying to get elfh to at least republish the Oliver McGowan course but so far they haven’t.

You can see when each course was last published here: 


I’m not sure exactly when the template was updated but certainly only in the last month or so and Oliver McGowan is showing as last updated in November 2022.


On the flip side we are also asking Docebo to ignore the version number as most LMSs don’t check AICC version and version 4.1 doesn’t even exist. If you have pending support tickets with Docebo please reference the main ticket #351578 (where the issue was diagnosed and solved). 


If you have contact with elfh please ask them to republish the Oliver McGowan course (the link will remain the same but the publish date will updated so you’ll know it’s correct). You can mention Dan Nuttal in case they don’t know what you are talking about. 


We are nearly there!

Influencer I
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  • March 31, 2023

Hi Aimee,

Thanks for this information.

We will go back to e-lfh and ask them to republish and will update my Docebo ticket to ask them to ignore AICC versions.


Ant :-)

Influencer I
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  • April 11, 2023

Hi @aswartz,

I checked today and can see that e-lfh have updated the Oliver McGowan Training.
I’ve been through the course and tracking works and I’ve been marked as complete.
What isn’t great is I’m still getting the 2 error messages at the start and when you exit you are not taken back to Docebo, you need to open a new web browser tab!

Do you experience the same issue?

Helper I
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  • April 11, 2023

Hi Ant - thanks for letting me know. I have just repackaged it and it is working for me without errors, although I didn’t complete the entire course. It does appear to track progress and remember between sessions. It is opening in the lightbox. 

I used Storyline to republish it as AICC because I don’t like the folder nesting that happens with the elfh supplied file. With Storyline it still has two levels but not three and they are labelled logically. 

I wonder if that has something to do with the error you are getting? 


Influencer I
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  • April 11, 2023

Hi Aimee,
Could you please explain how you did that?

Many thanks


Helper I
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  • April 12, 2023

Hey Ant,

I recorded a quick demo attached. I can also share the file with you if you don’t have Storyline but if you do it’s handy in case you want to use other courses from elfh. 

Publishing this way results in two levels (instead of 3) and it is auto expanded so it looks something like this:

Let me know if you have questions.



Influencer I
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  • April 12, 2023

Hi Aimee,

Thank you for sharing this - very helpful :-)


Contributor II
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  • April 27, 2023

@aswartz thanks for sharing this!  I downloaded the package and get the following error - is there something I am doing wrong?  Any ideas?  


Helper I
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  • May 4, 2023

@cchadford1 sorry for the delay in reply - I’ve been travelling.

I don’t know what’s going wrong. I think that was the same file that worked for me. @AntRich76 did you get an error uploading the file into Docebo? 



Influencer I
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  • May 4, 2023


Sorry for the delay.

No error and everything is working for us for Oliver McGowan Training.



Influencer I
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  • May 22, 2023


Anybody experiencing issues with the AICC Oliver McGowan Training?

Ours has decided to stop tracking from the 17th May 2023.  I see that e-lfh updated the course on the 18th May 2023.


We created a new AICC package and it is still not tracking! 

Any ideas?



Helper I
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  • May 23, 2023

Morning! After a glorious month or more of working seamlessly we are having reports the last couple of days of the ELFH Oliver McGowan eLearning not tracking progress and completion correctly. 


I had a look on their site and notice that it was republished 18/05/2023…



Is anyone else having trouble? 

I’m not sure what to do since it’s hosted on their site. 


Influencer I
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  • May 23, 2023

Morning Aimee,

We are having the same issue.

I have a ticket open with Docebo to check that it’s nothing to do with them and it’s still being investigated.

Will update when I hear from Docebo.

Have you contacted ELFH?



Helper I
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  • May 23, 2023

Hi Ant,

Yes I have messaged ELFH this morning asking what changed in the updated version published last Thursday. 

We aren’t getting connection errors so I don’t think they reverted back to the old template that had the wrong incorrect version of AICC. 

I’ll post here with their reply. 



  • Novice III
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  • May 23, 2023

I’ve just checked our course and it’s not tracking for us anymore either!

Helper I
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  • May 23, 2023

I got this reply:

NHSE TEL elfh Support

13:38 (28 minutes ago)


to me


Are you still getting the issues? You are correct there was an update on the 18th of May 2023. However, this should not have affected your connection or progress of the learning. 


I have accessed this learning today and it is recording progress in the correct way. The only difference is that in order to meet accessibility regulations in the best way the Transcript box does progress you through the learning without the need to watch the videos. 


Please can you give it a test by accessing and completing the videos only? To confirm that it is playing and recording progress correctly. 


I will await your response. 

Many Thanks


Michael Spall

Platform Assistant - Technology Enhanced Learning

NHS England



Influencer I
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  • May 23, 2023

Hi Aimee,

I have an open ticket with Docebo who confirmed the course is working on SCORM cloud when they play on the LMS they are getting some errors….


They are continuing with their investigations.

Will keep you updated.



Helper I
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  • May 23, 2023

Thanks Ant,

I confirmed that we were still having issues and that others had confirmed they were too to ELFH and here’s here latest reply:



I am very sorry you are having these issues. 

I have passed this issue on to the programme managers to look into. I will update you as soon as I can. I am unable to provide you with the previous link as the AICC link is always live. 

The Link we provide you is only an access link. You are accessing the learning from our servers. 


This is why we suggest that your Auto Update Frequency settings within your LMS are always set to every time it's used. 


I will email you as soon as I have an update!


Do you know if Docebo has any Auto Update Frequency settings? I don’t remember seeing any related settings. 


I’ll keep you posted on the ELFH side. Thanks for updating here the latest from the Docebo tech team.




Helper I
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  • May 23, 2023

@gigi galgoczi - just to let you know the latest (see the posts from today) in case your clients start to report this as well. 



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