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[UK] The Oliver McGowan eLearning from elfh

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aswartz wrote:

@gigi galgoczi - just to let you know the latest (see the posts from today) in case your clients start to report this as well. 


Aimee -  I haven’t had any reports from customers yet, but if the training provider used the ‘old’ template with AICC version 4.1 written in it, the LMS will still load it, but won’t receive tracking back. That might be the case, could you check with your contact at e-lfh if the template is coded correctly to version 4.0?

Helper I
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  • May 23, 2023

Hi Gigi - I don’t think that’s the case because we don’t receive the ‘cmi.core.lesson_status’ we used to get with the old template.

The change that was published on Friday had to do with allowing the lesson to progress if the video is watched OR the transcript is expanded. 

Something seems to go wrong with this. Perhaps Docebo can’t understand an OR progress statement? It does track progress in a single session but it doesn’t complete and it doesn’t store it if you close and reopen in a new session.


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  • May 24, 2023


We have an open ticket with Docebo that is now at tier 3 support.  They are able to replicate the issue of the course not tracking.

I’ve just gone through the course in one session and nothing tracks.

Will keep you posted on what Docebo are doing.



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  • May 24, 2023

Thanks @AntRich76 - would it be useful for me and anyone else experiencing this issue to also create support requests? 




Influencer I
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  • May 24, 2023

I would say create a ticket.

At the moment I’m unsure if it’s a Docebo thing or elfh!

My ticket #433913 if you want to use.



Influencer I
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  • May 25, 2023

Hi Aimee and all,

Docebo have got back to me and after their investigations they are saying the issue is with e-lfh.

It seems that this AICC is performing the GetParam call to the URL when it should be pointing to ours!

This is the reason why user tracking is not being marked correctly when the user views different subsections of the course.

The observations communicated by the team are based on the principles of the AICC standard, for which the content provider should be informed, and apply to all platforms on which the training material has been uploaded. Therefore, as this is a matter that concerns the training material itself and how it was built by the Content Provider, it goes beyond Docebo's ability to provide further assistance. 


I’ve got in touch with e-lfh to advise Docebo’s findings.

Has anybody heard more back from e-lfh?





Contributor II
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  • May 30, 2023

Thanks for posting all of this - we are having progress recording issues too!  Please do keep us updated…. this is driving me nuts!  

Influencer I
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  • May 31, 2023

Has anybody heard anything from e-lfh?

I’ve sent several chasers and have heard nothing from them!

  • Novice III
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  • May 31, 2023

The last response I had from e-lfh was on 25th May from Adam Garner:


“The issue does seem to be isolated to Docebo users so I'm trying to get in touch with them at present.

​Will come back to you as soon as I can”


I’ve heard nothing since then.

Influencer I
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  • May 31, 2023

Hi all,

Just noticed this on the Docebo Community so it appears the issue is with Docebo….




Influencer I
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  • June 1, 2023

Update from Docebo on the issue - hopefully releasing a fix on Wednesday 7th June…


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  • June 5, 2023

Just a quick update. My ticket with the Docebo tech team was deemed to be a problem on the side of the publisher which I have fed back to ELFH. 

However, in the meantime Docebo has discovered another (unrelated?!?!) issue with AICC that is affecting progress and completion and have put in a fix for that. See more here

I’m being told:

It seems that the 2 issues are unrelated.
In your specific case, for the particular course, the issue is related to the GetParam calling the wrong URL, and for this reason, you should reach out to your content provider, as you already did. The product team after further analysis confirm the issue.


My contact at ELFH is investigating but is not that happy with Docebo’s answer given that client’s using Docebo are the only ones who have reported this issue.

My hope is that the other issue discovered will fix it for this as well.

I’m curious, @AntRich76  is this the same response you are getting?





Influencer I
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  • June 5, 2023

Hi Aimee,


I’ve had the same response from Docebo that these are 2 separate issues.

I’ve heard nothing from e-lfh!

It does seem strange to me that this has happened and at roughly the same time! 

Fingers crossed the hot fix works tomorrow!



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  • June 7, 2023

Hey @AntRich76 and anyone else following. I just did a test and it looks like the tracking is working again after the hotfix. 


I wish @Docebo was more forthcoming and collaborative on their approach. I don’t understand why it is such a struggle to get these things looked at and fixed. Tech team is still claiming that the problem was not on Docebo’s side. This does not make Docebo look good when the AICC content from ELFH (which is used very widely in the UK) is playing correctly on all systems except Docebo and Docebo blames the content provider and it turns out to be a problem with Docebo. This has happened twice now. 


Thanks everyone for sharing. Let’s hope this is fixed and there won’t be any more surprises. 




Influencer I
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  • June 7, 2023

Hi Aimee,

All tested and tracking is back up and working which is great!

What is not great is how long it took Docebo to fix the issue but claimed it was the content providers issue - just wrong and incredibly poor support from Docebo.

Hope this is the last time we have an issue with AICC……..fingers crossed.



aswartz wrote:

Hey Ant,

I recorded a quick demo attached. I can also share the file with you if you don’t have Storyline but if you do it’s handy in case you want to use other courses from elfh. 

Publishing this way results in two levels (instead of 3) and it is auto expanded so it looks something like this:

Let me know if you have questions.



Thank you so much. This has worked! I was able to use the updated elfh link (thanks to the person who posted the link to the elfh website page with updated links) and add it to the Storyline package to republish.


I just need to check tracking/final sign off is working and if not, I will add a quick Docebo test with one or two questions as the end point.


  • Novice II
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  • August 24, 2023

Hi all

We have had the Oliver McGowan AICC installed and running happily for the last 6 weeks … however, the tracking of progress has stopped working, the tracking bars are missing on the AICC screens (since roughly 18th August) and completion is not longer being passed to Docebo.

eLFH are being their usual helpful selves, and say that nothing has changed in the AICC package and that we should ‘make sure a new session is started each time’.

A fellow social care provider (also running Docebo) are having the same issues … is anyone else?


Helper I
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  • August 24, 2023

😮 I did a quick test and it seems to be working for us still. 🤞

I hope this doesn’t break again. It’s been such a slog!


  • Novice III
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  • August 24, 2023

Just checked the course and its stopped working for us too! 

Helper I
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  • August 24, 2023

@heidi.walsh and @NBouttell have you entered a support request with Docebo yet? If not here are the past ticket numbers you can reference. 



This is a recurring problem and in the past it has taken us a lot of time for them to take it seriously and dig into it so please reference the past cases. Domenico Carboni (Docebo Tier 2 Support) was that one that created the hotfix to fix it the last time this happened (June 2023). 

It would be interesting to know if there is something they have changed but not rolled out to all accounts that might explain why you’ve lost tracking but we haven’t (yet). I assume we are all in the same region since it is the OMG training. 

If you enter support tickets can you please share the ticket numbers here? 

@AntRich76 - have you lost tracking? 





Influencer I
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  • August 24, 2023

Hi Aimee,


I've just checked and we have lost tracking on our main site which is strange as it is working on 1 of our extended enterprises.


I've had a look on eLFH and the Oliver McGowan course was updated on the 21st August 2023.


We are going to run a few more tests and will then open a ticket with Docebo.


It appears when eLFH update the course for some reason tracking stops! 





  • Novice II
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  • August 24, 2023
AntRich76 wrote:

I've had a look on eLFH and the Oliver McGowan course was updated on the 21st August 2023.



eLFH say that they ‘reset their tracking and suspend data’ on 18th and then again on 21st but did not make changes to the AICC.

What I am at a loss to understand is why that would cause such an issue for the AICC running via Docebo … the only support I am receiving from eLFH is to ‘ensure that the session is reset on Docebo each time the AICC is launched’.

  • Novice III
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  • August 24, 2023

I’ve just done a bit of digging as from looking at our completions stats some users have managed to complete the elearning over the past couple of days and some haven’t.

From what I can see, if a user was previously ‘in progress’ on the module, when it gets launched again there are no progress bars on the module and it won’t mark as complete.

If a user’s status is ‘enrolled’ and they launch the module, the progress bars are there and the module marks as complete.

I’ve just reset the module for one of our users who was in progress and it wouldn’t mark as complete.  They were then able to launch the module (with progress bars showing) and complete it fully.


Helper I
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  • August 24, 2023

So maybe we need to reset anyone In Progress so the tracking works again? 
I will test with someone in Progress. I tested with a new test user starting from Not started and the tracking worked. 

Influencer I
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  • August 24, 2023

Hi all,

Well this seems to be very sporadic…

  • I’ve reset a learner where the tracking wasn’t working and now it tracks.  
  • I’ve found some learners in progress and there tracking is working (enrolment dates before 18th and 21st August, during these dates and after these dates).
  • I’ve found learners enrolled and tracking is working too!


Very strange behaviour!


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