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🚧 Temporary Closure of Ideas in Docebo Community

  • 17 July 2024
  • 4 replies
🚧 Temporary Closure of Ideas in Docebo Community

We are very excited about our most recent Product Direction video and the launch of our brand new Feature Roadmap (definitely check it out if you missed it!) and, in conjunction with this launch, we are temporarily closing the Ideas portal. Please see below for more information on this temporary closure.



Why is the Ideas portal being temporarily closed?

When we launched Docebo Community three years ago, we knew that we wanted a space to allow customers the ability to share their product enhancement ideas with us. It was (and still is) very important to us! However, the process and expectations we put in place when we brought ideas into Docebo Community is now outdated and unrealistic. Therefore, we are taking this opportunity (during the quieter summer months) to temporarily close the Ideas portal so we can work on enhancing the ideas experience.



Can I still submit ideas during the closure?

During the temporary closure, there will be no access to the Ideas portal which means you cannot create new ideas or vote, share and reply to existing ideas via the community. If you have an idea during this time, we recommend you check the new Feature Roadmap to see if it aligns with any of the features we’re working on. If it does, you can let us know how important the specific feature is to you and if you have any additional feedback/comments you think would be useful about that specific feature.


To do this, simply click on the feature card within the Feature Roadmap and scroll all the way to the bottom.

This feedback opportunity is located within each feature card and is specific to that feature. Please DO NOT submit a new idea unrelated to the specific feature you are leaving the feedback for as it will not be relevant to the feature and will therefore be disregarded.



What work will be done during the temporary closure?

Throughout this time, we’ll be reviewing current ideas and updating statuses. We’ll also be creating a new process for ideas intake, as well as a new framework, guidelines, and expectations for both us and our customers. 

During this time, please DO NOT submit an idea via a Question or Conversation post type as they will not be documented as ideas and will therefore not be part of the Ideas portal with the related voting functionality.


What will happen with my existing ideas?

During this temporary closure, ideas will not be removed. Throughout the process to enhance ideas, they may be merged and /or have their status changed but all ideas will be accessible upon the return of the Ideas portal.



When will the Ideas portal be closed and when will it reopen?

The Ideas portal will be temporarily closed starting at 5:00pm EDT on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 and is planned to reopen around our Dallas Inspire 2024 (mid-September).



We are confident that our new Feature Roadmap and these changes to the Ideas portal are the next right step towards increasing transparency on what we’re working on and to get your valuable feedback, which is essential to the continuous improvement of our products.


If you have any questions throughout the temporary closure, please ask them here or send me a direct message.


Thank you for your patience and partnership!


4 replies

Userlevel 3

If a new idea does not align with any of the features in the Feature Roadmap, how can this be submitted whilst the Ideas Portal is closed?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

If a new idea does not align with any of the features in the Feature Roadmap, how can this be submitted whilst the Ideas Portal is closed?

Hi @joanne.gerard, during the temporary closure we will not be accepting any new ideas while we work to enhance the experience. As soon as the Ideas portal reopens in September, you’ll be able to submit again!

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

How can we tell if an idea was done when it’s linked out of a discussion that it was submitted for consideration?

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

It’s very cool to see Docebo continuously investing in improving the product feedback process for all involved. Thank you for the clear communication and focus on continuous [scalable] innovation! I’m excited to see what’s in store and am already really enjoying the new feature roadmap 👏
