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Design inspiration: Creative ways to design your homepage

Influencer III
  • Influencer III
  • 68 replies

Are you struggling to promote content on the homepage? I’ve been using comslider for a while and it works great. Have a look here


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35 replies


This is awesome @Salvo. I have a ton of Docebo clients to are always asking for this type of design examples, so I’m excited for more to come here and see what you have done!

Adam Ballhaussen
Guide III

@Salvo this is awesome! 👏👏👏


I love the idea of using a carousel on a homepage. I’m with @felipe.hernandez… I can’t wait to see more design examples from you!

  • Helper II
  • 157 replies
  • April 30, 2021

This is great and we would like to know how you create this on the homepage as we would like to do this as well. If you can, please send us the steps on how we can create this on our homepages.

Thanks for sharing this and hope to see more design examples from you as well!

Influencer III
  • Author
  • Influencer III
  • 68 replies
  • May 2, 2021

Yes, this was created by us. 

Is a mix of images, HTML, videos and button.

If you need any help just reach out. Thanks


  • Docebian
  • 1 reply
  • May 4, 2021

@Salvo Thanks for sharing! Great to see you here! :)

Contributor II
  • Contributor II
  • 41 replies
  • May 6, 2021


I would be interested to know how you got the Comslider content into Docebo. The stnadard snippet contains JavaScript which Docebo seems to strip out.

Influencer III
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  • Influencer III
  • 68 replies
  • May 6, 2021

Hi just click on:

If you are having problems with integration, it may be that your CMS doesn't support JavaScript. In that case try to copy&paste this iframe HTML code instead of the code above.

See pics below to see where it is 


Contributor II
  • Contributor II
  • 41 replies
  • May 6, 2021

ah - thats great, thanks @Salvo 

Helper I

@jamesljohnsonjr  Take a look at this slider on the homepage.  It looks so good!


Thank you for sharing @Salvo. This is amazing! 

Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 28 replies
  • May 27, 2021

Love this idea! Thank you for sharing @Salvo!

Cindy McElhinney
Helper II

@Salvo Comslider is awesome and clearly everyone here is loving it including me. You know you are now an official rockstar in this community :sunglasses: So, I just did my first banner and it looks great (IMO). But, I noticed that it doesn’t display correctly in the Go Mobile app on my iphone. Instead of the full image width, it’s a little box in the upper left corner with a big white space. Have you found this to be a problem @Salvo? I know I can just place a static image in the mobile layout area to correct it but just curious if I am doing something wrong or if you know of a way to get comslider to be responsive on a mobile device. Thanks for any insights you can provide.  

Helper II
  • Helper II
  • 69 replies
  • June 24, 2021

What dimensions did you use for the rotating banner?


Cindy McElhinney
Helper II

@sigamoline 1390 x 480. 

Adam Ballhaussen
Guide III

Hi @Cindy McElhinney! I agree with your statement about @Salvo… Absolute rockstar 🤘 You’ve made it to rockstar status too, you know! You are, after all, already at the Helper II rank 🏅 


Unfortunately, due to technical limitations outside of Docebo’s control, iFrame widgets are not supported on the mobile app. @abarrios recently asked a similar question related to a carousel that he was hoping to display on mobile. I shared a few options for alternative solutions in that thread. I hope they can help!



Perhaps the two of you can connect and share some best practices. I’m sure that others might run into a similar issue in the future as well!

Influencer III
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  • Influencer III
  • 68 replies
  • June 24, 2021

Hi, thank you so much for the praise. We don’t use the mobile app as everyone is office based. However there is an option worth checking. Unlimited up to the container width. This will fix the width so it can be viewed properly. Let me know if this helps


  • Helper II
  • 157 replies
  • June 24, 2021

I did create a new Idea Portal to vote on which is to add a Mobile Preview on Manage Pages so you can see what it looks like. Just like you can on the Desktop Preview. Idea ID: [LMS-I-4547]. It may not be available yet on the Ideas Portal.

Cindy McElhinney
Helper II
Salvo wrote:

 However there is an option worth checking. Unlimited up to the container width. This will fix the width so it can be viewed properly. Let me know if this helps


@Salvo Yes, I have that option checked. I actually had to do that in order to get the slide full width in Docebo without scrollbars. Note to others on this tip: The default setting in comslider as above in Salvo’s print screen is “Up to Layout Width”. If you get scrollbars on your slideshow when viewing in Docebo, changing this setting to “Unlimited up to the container width” should fix this. It does not appear to address the mobile viewing issue. 

Cindy McElhinney
Helper II
Adam Ballhaussen wrote:

Unfortunately, due to technical limitations outside of Docebo’s control, iFrame widgets are not supported on the mobile app. @abarrios recently asked a similar question related to a carousel that he was hoping to display on mobile. I shared a few options for alternative solutions in that thread. I hope they can help!

@Adam Ballhaussen Ah, I didn’t make the connection to your previous post about iframe not supported  on mobile so thanks for pointing that out again here. I’ll come up with an alternative banner for the mobile layout. Thanks Adam!

Cindy McElhinney
Helper II
Cindy McElhinney wrote:
Adam Ballhaussen wrote:

Unfortunately, due to technical limitations outside of Docebo’s control, iFrame widgets are not supported on the mobile app. @abarrios recently asked a similar question related to a carousel that he was hoping to display on mobile. I shared a few options for alternative solutions in that thread. I hope they can help!

@Adam Ballhaussen Ah, I didn’t make the connection to your previous post about iframe not supported  on mobile so thanks for pointing that out again here. I’ll come up with an alternative banner for the mobile layout. Thanks Adam!

 @Adam Ballhaussen Ok people just when I think I know how something is going to work (based on me making assumptions that it will in fact work a certain way), I get a little bit of a shock when I learn it doesn’t work as I assumed :rolling_eyes: Note to self - test before assuming and before posting:smirk: So I thought I could have an alternate “image widget” for a mobile layout but once I got in there (for the first time - I had never needed to modify before) it looks like you can’t add a widget - you can only hide a widget from the desktop layout that you composed. Unless I am missing something, I can’t see how I can have a different banner image for the mobile view. Chime in if I am wrong about this. Anyway, since a high percentage of users of this new page will likely be using the mobile app, I think I need to take the advice of several wise folks in this community and that is Keep it Simple! I think that means my lovely little comslider banner has to go and be replaced with static image. Live and learn. Hope others can learn from this little teachable moment. :wink:

Cindy McElhinney
Helper II

@Adam Ballhaussen Thanks to your genius post...

and detailed instructions I was able to set up a desktop view that included my comslider iframe and a mobile view that included a static image instead of the iframe (which as we’ve been discussing is not a supported widget in the mobile view). It worked perfectly. Love this community for all it’s nifty solutions and what I also love about Docebo - when it doesn’t seem possible to do something - usually there’s another creative solution out there.:slight_smile:

Adam Ballhaussen
Guide III

@Cindy McElhinney you just made my day! 💙 👏 


I’m so glad that this solution worked for you. Credit for the question and idea goes to @abarrios


I couldn’t agree with you more, I love seeing the ingenuity that this community brings day in and day out. It’s so cool to see how our customers push Docebo to do things we could’ve never imagined. Our customers are the best!!!

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • June 30, 2021

Quick question - does comslider work so well because it is cloudbased? If not? How are you all serving up the content in the carosuel?

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • June 30, 2021

Too funny. I read a little more and I answered my own question… is a cloud based carosuel.

Love this thread - thank you for the insight and inspiration.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • October 27, 2021

A follow question as well? Linking inside to content and pages - have you all had any luck with comslider? I hit this question in another thread, but I figure to cover my bases.

I am serving it up pretty successfully on page without a problem.


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